

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

Instagram @davidnyanzi on Instagram

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Best Friends - Wilkes Street - London.


Styleadvisor said...

Two beautiful stylish girls! And I can see, the left one is wearing a scallop vest :) Yeah! Great shot, David!

Ada said...

very nice! they look so happy that bring me up :)

mispapelicos said...

I adore her boots and hair.
Superb shot, my friend.

Laura said...

Love the blonde hair and the boots!!

Thanks for passing by my blog :)


Alicia said...

They both look great, love the moment you captured...<3

Milica said...

Cute! Blond girl has amazing boots and bag!

Plami said...

They are both lovely!


Unknown said...

Aww, cute!


Sweet Lily said...

Voguish, classy, refreshing!
Absolutely fantastic!

Unknown said...

very stylish!

Chicca said...

Best photos ever!!!

Unknown said...

They look very sweet together <3

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

they are cool and stylish!!!

fashion and frank said...

I love this pic - there is nothing better than girlie days out and this pic and their smiles sum it up - excellent x

FashionJazz said...

They are super stylish!! Happy Tuesday xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

So cute! And the obviously enjoyed being photographed, which is always a big plus.

BeLighter said...

They look simply adorable! Love the print on those short shorts (left), cute purse too!
And the white socks! OMG, I used to wear those when I was a kid!!!

styleeast said...

aah they're so cute and happy looking. Love the little socks with Converse!

KittyBonkers said...

Oh wow, I love the shorts of the blonde one!! They both look like stylish and fun people :D

Thank you for the comment on my blog again!! Its always nice to hear your views on my outfits!!

Kitty xo

Connie Staccato said...

Marilyn and Jane!

mermaid gallery said...

love that they look so healthy...beautiful girls with great friends rock!

Susie Heymer said...

How wonderful to start the day with a cheerful picture like that!
They are beautiful, stylish and friendly! I loved the pictures!
Have a lovely day!

Gorgeous Clara said...

they both look great! I like the litlle round bag!

Nathalie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog x

Great shot. Love the printed shorts x

It-Blogirls said...

love your 2 looks ! really gorgeous

Nadine2point0 said...

Love your recent photos - you just keep getting better and better at capturing stylish beauties!

valerierbrems said...

Best friends, GORGEOUS friends!

Jadore-Fashion said...

Wow! Love the floral shorts and the blue top! Gorgeous two!


Tanisha E said...

OMG! I remember ruffled socks! how cute are these outfits...

sugarhoneybaby said...

Nice photos! They are so cute!:)

Angel said...

Love those high waisted shorts.

Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Photography

Gawgus things... said...

Can't beat best friends! Love their look :)

Heather, 29 Skirts said...

Wow, the quality of the photos on your blog is incredible! So many gorgeous shots! I really love these girls' shorts, shoes and socks.


Beautiful pictures!! :)

Em said...

The girl on the right is wearing adorable dressy socks with her converse, so cute!

Project Curve said...

the scallop neckline!!you captured it!

Fashionistable said...

Oh they are both so nice and fun lovin.Love their smiles. Thank you for your comment on the new look of the blog. Xxxx

Jenna Lee said...

Love the blondes Hair, Makeup and outfit! She kills it!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute together. I love their smiles and the blonde's haircut with her cherry red lips!

Soleil St. Fleur said...

Aww, they're birds of a feather. I especially like girl #1's style. A very happy photo, the opposite of your last post, "A Lesson In Style", lol. xx from Soleil

The Foolish Aesthete said...

So cute and happy together! It's wonderful how best friends dress and think so alike.

Amber said...

I really like the outfits from them.

Sick by Trend said...

Love shorts and their style!!! So lovely and :D pictures!!


Suz said...

Really nice blog. Enjoyed reading it. Great images.

Molliee said...

very cute outfits! you guys looks so fab

Isquisofrenia said...

love the simplicity but very chic at the same time

Tanvi said...

Summery and chic. Love their shorts!!

♡ from ©

Nikki Mortham said...

Sooo cute. I love those boots!
PS: Check out my new vintage shop!

Closet Fashionista said...

Ooh love their outfits!
(and if only I could be a personal stylist...haha...sadly I have no connections and have no idea where to begin...and I'm not talented enough :p)

Cherry said...

Great snaps!

BESOS LYNN said...

Two. too cute!

dressingup-everyday said...

Really very nice smiles

beesandbugs said...

Great photo!
They look so happy, and their smiles are contagious :)

WhoopyBeatrizLourenco said...

Thanks for youre Comment!
Love how they both look!
gonna follow u youre blog is gorgeous!

Laura SD said...

Guau, I like your look, I love your bags! Thanks for your visit and comment!
kisses guapas.


Amber said...

hello there. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for your sweet comment on my blog the other day. You both look great in these shots!

Sara said...

They look cute :)


It-Blogirls said...

amazing shot

*sunday* said...

fun shot!

stylenuggets said...

Both girls are wearing shorts in different but striking ways. Fantastic shots

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

I love how relaxed they look but super stylish too. Those boots are fantastic.

Catherine said...

wow! two perfect looks. love it <3

Anonymous said...

Lovely girls!


SoapyMermaid said...

VERY beautiful blog. I love all the outfit details you photograph.. :)

Ramona said...

beautiful and stylish girls. love her white socks, so adorable

xoxo Ra

Zarna said...

what a stylish pair of best friends! they look lovely :)

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love their styles so much! They're both so beautiful and I want everything they're wearing! The converses with the pretty sock is so cute! xoxoxoo

Anonymous said...

This is adorable.. I miss my BFF and the days we would ho-hum about.

Shasie said...

Great photos! Love the floral shorts. It's nice to see friends sticking together

Live Life in Style

Burning Skies said...

Great photo! I love the style of the blond one. Love her hair!

Unknown said...

love both of their styles! love the one on the left's shorts!!

Barbara von Enger said...

Ah, for the love of fashion and good friends. Very playful;-)

Anonymous said...

I love her floral skirt. Gorgeous girlies!

Miss Neira

mosaicology said...

v.stylish,superb pants worn by girl to the left

mosaicology said...

v.stylish,superb pants worn by girl to the left

Maryam Maquillage said...

pure happiness is written all over their fresh faces :)) great pix!!

AquĆ­ said...

what beautiful girls! Love the girls ruffle socks with her converse! Really cute!

Prutha Raithatha said...

adorable hair cut

Sisters and Sisters said...

These best friends looks beautiful!

H&C from Amsterdam

Jelena Zivanovic said...

What a lovely match, they are so gorgeously cute!!!! And stylish of course!:)

WendyB said...

They're so cute together!

sherri lynn said...

love this! they're so cute and happy!

Anonymous said...

Love their outfits!

Dionne said...

Love the frilled socks and converse combo!

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