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Monday, 30 May 2011

A Lesson In Style - Brick Lane - London.


Styleadvisor said...

Wow, what a wonderful stylish couple! She looks like straight out of a 50s movie and he's rocking some great pants and brogues. And, there's that graffiti wall again :) Super shot!

mispapelicos said...

I absolutely adore her, and want his fabulous shoes. What a couple!!!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow, such a cool couple! I love how the lady is wearing color with the black! She looks like a classic movie star! xoxoxoo

Tanvi said...

Fab Couple :) She looks über cool!

♡ from ©

Agnes in Wonderland said...

Stylish couple ;)

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

What an amazing 50s looking couple! How did you find them?

styleeast said...

I love this, they look completely immaculate. Good spot, as always!

Matthew Spade said...

they look great, really like his look

Alina said...

thank you ;)

KittyBonkers said...

What an amazing couple, they look absolutely beautiful! I love her vintage look, straight out of the 50s and his looks so smart, and those shoes!! Amazing!

Thank you for the comment on my blog by the way, I am glad you liked my outfit!!

Kitty xo

Ashley said...

They're so perfect! And I love his shoes:) xx

ps said...

what a stylish couple

Project Curve said...

they both have stunning looks..

Danielle said...

Great looks! :)

I love Brick Lane, it's fab.


christina said...

adorable couple! :)

Catherine said...

the woman vest/jacket is beautifuuul! I love the colour. Great shots ;)

Lee Oliveira said...

I love his shoes.. but Oh my.. for her style.. I love her attitude
Lee x

E. said...

Wow! She looks like Dita Von Teese!

Susie Heymer said...

Perfect couple! I love the contrast of red lipstick with her ​​skin!
Have a perfect Monday!

Unknown said...

I love that camel jacket and the black suit of the man with those cool blac&white shoes ;D

Krizia said...

Such a stylish couple!
They look like they've stepped out of a movie!

x Krizia

Helen said...

They both look fantastic, proper retro style. Great shots! x said...

Effortless chic!

Mademoiselle Marie, Street Style said...

great looks! good models :)

Unknown said...

Cute couple - they look sweet together and not too matchy :)

Alice Olive said...

Love her scarf!

Lauren said...

What a fantastic looking couple! Everything about their outfits is perfect, but I especially love her jacket and scarf.

The Styleseer

karin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
karin said...

I thought it was a vintage picture!! They look great together. Like movie stars!!

Connie Staccato said...

They are a beautiful couple, and I'll bet it took them five minutes to get dressed.

Simple, classic, nothing complicated.

I love the way his shoes make his outfit. And a lady with a hat and red lipstick, timeless!

Paulie Antiques said...

thank you so much! that is a wonderful compliment. I love the style of your blog... very interesting styling you've found. dont ever stop!! <3

love, polly :))

Sabrina Tassini said...

love her style!!great!!

Patchwork à Porter

Isquisofrenia said...

damn those glasses are really cool

beesandbugs said...

What a sweet couple! Both of them look great, and by the way, the girl looks a bit like Kelly Osbourne to me :)

Andrea said...

what a beautiful couple! amazing!

Fashionistable said...

I have photographed these guys too. Good to see they are still together. I photographed them in Camden about a year or so ago. He is a photographer from Israel and she is his English rose. I have seen him around LFW on his own a few times too. Xxxx

Petra said...

Love them pictures!!
You are so stylish!!

Monia said...

Nice couple!
Monia, Rome

Unknown said...

What a fabulously dressed couple! x

Closet Fashionista said...

Oooh love their outfits! :D

teresweetstyle said...

amazing this post, i really love the looks!


noone said...

his shoes stand out in the picture, love them!

GINA BIBER said...

Too cool. Not only do I appreciate their looks, but the attitude they radiate also seems fashionable. Barvo!
:- )


Michelle Lee said...

cool couple :)

Unknown said...

WOW...very stylish couple and great pictures.

Thx for your lovely comment on my blog. I would love to follow each other if you like.


Cee said...

What a stylish and unique couple. I just love her glasses!

Angel said...

Love her make up.

Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Photography

Tanisha E said...

very nice. and so damn stylish. i absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...


fashion and frank said...

Excellent - they just fit - great pic x

San said...

wow, just ... WOW.

dinamita.paquita said...

they are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous, and he's a hunk!

Alexandra said...

amazing style!
that's how it should be...

your blog is great!

harps said...

I love it when you see stylish couples together, so romantic in their harmony. That lady is exceptionally beautiful and icy cool.

Ordinary Londoner said...

This is rather eccentric ;-)

FASH ON said...

cat eye love


Prutha Raithatha said...

straight out of the godfather... massive love!!!

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