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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

A Colour Explosion! - Brick Lane - London.


mispapelicos said...

What a joy to look at. Fabulous layering: shirt on top of a shirt...must try...
I adore the way they wear their boots and the splash of colours.

Unknown said...

I just stumbled across your blog and I love it!!!! kudos!

Alicia said...

What a great colorful post! Wish I had enough confidence to wear such outfits here in Belgium!


Tanvi said...

Wow! What fashionistas! :)

♡ from ©

Gawgus things... said...

One of my favourite photos! Love how the background emphasises the great colours worn by the girls :)

SMS Style said...

Aaah I love it - its like the Fresh Prince of Belair. Very jealous that you can pull this off! xx

fashion and frank said...

So made me smile - love it x

Viu said...

woow..the colours are really well combined!:) Looks great:)


Chicca said...

That's so cool!!!I love the green bag!

Berta said...

I loooveee!!!!!

Megan Hattie said...

Whoa, love 'em. So '90s! I dig that red hair! Thanks for your comments :)

--Megan//The Martian Tide

Mani said...

They both looks so cute and funny!

hugs and kisses by Mani.

Anonymous said...

I am so loving this look! x

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

This is definitely a color burst! I also like the background!!

Styleadvisor said...

Wow, funky ladies! said...

Super cool!

Connie Staccato said...

Perks up MY day! I love their glasses. And your wall.

Catherine said...

very original looks! I especially love the khaki bag xo

Lucinda said...

Love this!! Such a joyful happy photo with awesome layering!!

Please check out my blog x

Jenna Lee said...

Color Color Color! Love this... love the boots! Fab!

LĆŗcia said...

wow this is soo cool! love the girl on the left.

Plami said...

Great picture! These outfits are so fun!!! Love them!


The Photodiarist said...

WoW! Love it. So random yet cool.

Maryam Maquillage said...

beautiful and so inspiring!!!

Ashley said...

Wow, I love the blue tights! xx

Barbara von Enger said...

What a festival of colours!
And I'm drawn to those happy smiling faces.xx

mermaid gallery said...

yahoo! you're talking! Those girls know how to have fun!

Rachel said...

Love the bright colors!

noone said...

love the colors in this outfit, and the studded bag is hot!

k said...

that is so going back to the salt n peppa hip hop days fashion!

Absolutely Mrs. K said...

that is what i call street style. those ladies are so colorful, i love the glasses. it is like a trendy oldschool fashion style. i wish more people would dress like that. the streets would be so much more interesting

Project Curve said...

this looks like a shot from a 90's film!love it.

Unknown said...

I love how they work the early nineties look - awesome!

Lee Oliveira said...

Beautiful girls
Lee x

Andrea said...

love it! awesome looks!

Bonnie said...

The colors are AMAZEBALLS.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Marina :) said...

i love everything about this picture :)

Tanisha E said...

really cool late 80s early 90s inspired fashion. My gawd can we leave it there? but they are working it. great shot Ny..

Meekay said...

Really cool!!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

:D Fantastic.

Following this blog. Thanks for finding me so that I could find you ;)

roel said...

looks wauw!

In a day i go to London, Would like to see this kind of a style!

San said...

Whoa, the 80s are back. So cool these two Ladies.

Pearl Westwood said...

What a vibrant pair of outfits, they look like fun girls!

Molliee said...

very cool outfits!!! love the blue tights

Unknown said...

That geometric print is really really cool, it reminds me some Pugh's pieces...I love ;D

Susie Heymer said...

Super stylish! I loved the bag of tacks!
Have an awesome day!

Sherin said...

Love how unique both their styles are. They both look really cool.

Cherry said...

Love all of the colour in this!

mirjam schuurkamp said...

oei amazing outfits on the photo!
love to see it

NEW outfit post at;

styleeast said...

wowsers, they are working it! and you shot them in my favourite corner on Brick Lane, I love it for the colour too!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow, they look like two characters from a movie! I love the hair and the bag from the girl on the left (I have fun counting how many shirts she have on!) and the blue tights on the girl on the right is so cool! They both have striking styles! xoxoxoo

MellowYellow said...

waah now that's freakin' awsome ! xo

SomeoneLikeYou said...

Goodness, these gals are looking SO fresh! I love all the mixture of the patternes and colors.

Thanks ever so much for visiting my blog! :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

The layering, the colors, the accessories. Omg. These outfits are PERFECTION! What awesome stye and inspiration. :)

AquĆ­ said...

amazing! The colors are soo great! These girls look straight off the fresh prince!

sugarhoneybaby said...

Funny!Love it!:)

Josie said...

So fun! I love how daring they are with their bright colors.
xo Josie

Soleil St. Fleur said...

I super-duper love this! I'm not sure if this is now or Bronx NY circa 1985?! This photo is too cool for school (or is it the other way round)! xx from Soleil

Closet Fashionista said...

Is it sad that my favorite part of this is the shoes? haha XD

Jadore-Fashion said...

Love the looks--l like the polka dots dress with the denim!

Thanks for stopping by!


beryl said...

this photo is awesome, they both have such unique style


Chez Carolinette said...

Whoa!!! Great photo! Loved it!!!

Chez Carolinette

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Love that color explosion!!!

El said...

Such a splash of color!!! Amazing!


Larissa said...

Great picture! So retro!

Chloe Mia said...

Has to be one of my favourites of your photos!

Fashionistable said...

WehhhHeyy, these women are fantastic. I love everything about this. Them, the colour, the location. Brilliant David. Xxxx

Unknown said...

Wow So inspiring!! I really love them ... great shot..Im following on bloglovin.

Kisses from amintasfashion

Malte said...

Such a great photo!

Isquisofrenia said...

diggin all this colors

Prutha Raithatha said...

love these girls!!! love the colors on them and all the layers...!!!

Sisters and Sisters said...

Soo cute outfit; love it!

H&C from Amsterdam

New York Don't Leave Me said...

These ladies are AWESOME! Love their fun style!

Shasie said...

So great! They take me straight back to the late 80s early 90s with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Live Life in Style

dinamita.paquita said...

this is sooo London!
I love it!

dinamita.paquita said...

this is sooo London!
I love it!

dinamita.paquita said...

this is sooo London!
I love it!

Tuesday in Amsterdam said...

I HEART!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Pretty sure I wore this exact look in 1983... and now I want to wear it again! FABULOUS!

Sarah xxx

Clio said...

those two really stand out!

Anaivilo said...

All those layers make me wish for Fall again. Simply stunning! Gorgeous colors and ladies :D

ps said...

i love london and people in london,
great photos

SoapyMermaid said...

lovely girls!!

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