Phew! What a week!
Wikileaks, student fees protests, losing the world cup bid, being held hostage in our homes by mother nature. It's small wonder that everyone looks grumpy.
As the snow brings Britain to a grinding halt, here's a little reminder to cheer you all over the weekend.
Anybody that attended London Fashion Week shall remember these two. No?
awwww lovely way to brighten the gloom!
Fun picture! Hope you have a great weekend. Watch your step with all that snow outside! :)
I want to sign up to be a Blister Fairy.
How much snow did you get?
To Underemployed: The amount of snow we got in Surrey can only measured in my little four year old nephew's height - three feet.
The little guy was swallowed up in the backyard. That's how I found out the amount. The snowman we built looks good though.
ha i remember you taking that photo!! hehe those blister thingies were good
Your blog is lovely!!! Very beautiful post dear))
i remember them! they offered me some, i said nom but then you took them! xx
Oh yes I remember them well and fairy godmothers they were too. I said a big yes please to these two. 3 feet of snow. Your poor little nephew. Xxx
The Blister Fairies! I only (took a picture of and) met the blonde lady. She was so lovely and I absolutely adored her positive vibes and smile. Great picture of the 2!
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