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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Tailors...Soho, London.

I do not care what others may claim.


Two words: Savile Row.


spoozyliciouzz said...

This three piece suit is the crack!!

Superbly combing the PoW with that pocket square and tie...and common, even the hat is made from that suiting fabric.

Plain awesome!!

Unknown said...

I AGREE 100%

and might i offer a further 2 words?


What great standards he had:

* Don't make everything match: "To achieve the nonchalance which is absolutely necessary for a man, one article at least must not match. For instance, you can wear a dark blue suit and tie with a pale blue shirt and navy blue socks, but you must then have a patterned silk handkerchief say in dark red or a paisley design of green and brown; or you could stick to a blue handkerchief and have dark red socks."
* Beware the bow-tie wearer: "By day, often in patterned or spotted foulard, it is usually worn by individualists ... On less genial characters, it can have an aggressive air and can arouse some kind of resentment at first meeting of a new acquaintance."
* Avoid sandals and shorts: "Always wear a collar and tie in a town, even if it's by the sea, after six o'clock. Never wear shorts except actually on the beach or on a walking tour. All short sleeve shirts look ghastly. Sandals are hell, except on the beach where you want to take them off: or on a boat. And, worn with socks are super hell."
* Men can wear red: "Scarlet is perhaps the most masculine of all colours, but its very flamboyancy limits its use."
* Don't overlook slippers: "Grandest of all are velvet slippers, with your monogram or crest embroidered in gold thread. These you can dine in, at home of course."
* Never turn up your trousers: "You can't have any."
* Spend money on a belt: "You should always try and buy, or get given, the most expensive belt possible ... It should preferably be the same colour as your shoes: and, if you are very natty, it could be in the same leather as your wrist strap."
* Pay attention to socks: "The matching of socks to the tie I find affected."
* Don't be scared of fur: "The modern young man is now so sure of his virility that I think he will take the risk, in the not too distant future, of wearing a coat made entirely of fur."

the nyanzi report said...

To Old Cow: Thank you very much for those words from Hardy Aimes.
Very informative indeed. A gentleman's sartorial direction.

TorontoVerve Street Style said...

Great shots.

Connie Staccato said...

It's impossible to find a decent tailor in Chicago.

And what an education I've woken up to this morning!

The Photodiarist said...

Well, it's definitely not the USA. We are the home of Jeans and sneakers.

Unknown said...

true true

Bego said...

this is so rad!!! i love it!!

SabinePsynopsis said...

It definitely is! The first picture shows it all (and the others are perfect examples of good tailoring).

*sunday* said...

boom! you said it all

Fashionistable said...

Sorry I have been off the radar. Manic over here. These are wonderful. Very well spotted. I totally agree the tailoring is brilliant. Xxxx

Coco said...

I simply love that there are still men in London that wake up evey morning and dress this way...LOVE IT!

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