

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

Instagram @davidnyanzi on Instagram

Tuesday 15 June 2010


While street-hunting a while ago, I spotted this lady...

With her partner minding their business strolling on the high street. I gave her a quick up-and-down appraisal to decide whether I could ask to shoot her coz everything she had on looked high-end to me. First I noticed the shoes with the impeccably done pedicure...

Then the fly bag...

Then the 'ice'...

Then the rock on her finger that's like a tumour...

And finally, the all-black-ensemble with the skull-print scarf that polished it off well...

I hadn't noticed this, but that Dune window lends itself to this shot very well with her next to it.
Have a brilliant day. Until next time, I'm out. Peace.


The Photodiarist said...

I think the last photo is nicely composed.

Fashionistable said...

I like the last shot best too and the shot of the shoes.
Thank you for the comment on the shoes on my post today. You are very knowledgeable. Xxxx

daniela kate morosini said...

woah, she is seriously loaded! check the hermes and diamonds. things must be going good for her...lovely as always :)

*sunday* said...

she is dress perfectly, good balance between hip and high end

Biana said...

Yes, she is pretty high-end allright. She's so into bling :)

It's not my style though, I like to keep it simple and minimalistic/modest. But you can wake me up anytime for that bag!

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