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Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Sounds Of Africa.

Now that the football world cup is underway-(soccer to my friends across the pond), I don't know why I keep saying that but it beats me why they it called that, and what we call rugby here is football to them.
So I thought I would post something about the motherland.

Anyway the other day before the football/Soccer-(sorry, I can't help it), I heard these sounds in the town centre near my house and I remembered that it is football season and it's taking place in South Africa.

So I decided to get my camera and go find the source of these drums. I wasn't disappointed at what awaited my eyes coz rarely do I get to hear such sounds live, in my neck of the woods-(that would be Geneva) in case you are wondering.

So I stayed for a while while the crowd was gathering to listen and we got this...

Have a cool mid-week. I gotta go back to trading. The NYSE just opened! "Brace yourselves everyone!" as my mentor used to say-more like yelling.


Biana said...

Great photos. Must have sounded very nice. I love the sound of the drums, you autmatically move to the rhythm. beautiful.

The Photodiarist said...

These are just awesome, David!! Thanks for taking. Off to work myself.

Lady M said...

Wonderful photos!
Next month,I going to African music concert.

Fashionistable said...

Oh I do love the sounds of drums. I really wish this is what we were listening to when the games in SA are on instead of those awful horns they are blowing. It would be a much more pleasant experience. Great pictures David. Xxxx

Nadine2point0 said...

Drums, yes, Vuvuzelas, NOOOOO.
Great photos here - I always enjoy your blog.
I should really do bloglovin' I guess. Makes for easy access doesn't it??
Have a great week ;)

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