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Friday, 2 April 2010

The Dapper Gent.

This young man caught my eye as I was on my way to Oxford Circus tube after a meeting in Soho. I wasn't even 'street hunting' that day but I usually carry my camera with me just in case.

Anyway, I stopped him for a shot and we got talking. I asked him whether he was a pilot and he told me that he couldn't say but his outfit said it all.

P.S. I'm going away to Lyford Cay for the foreseable future to see a man about a cheque. I'll try to get on here as much as I can. See ya!


the style crusader said...

post some photos from your travels! hope you enjoy your time. xx

the nyanzi report said...

In due time I will post some of my travel pics but for now I want this to be a london based fashion blog.

Unknown said...

Propa Dapper!! I loves this. I would wear that...seriously, I would.

Marian said...

Hello David, I hope you are having a good weekend.
He is innately stylish. Thank you for sharing this inspiration.
Have a lovely Sunday.

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