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Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Multi-tasker.

Everytime I awake in the morning, it's beat the clock.
For those of us that have a million things going on at the same time, you have no choice but to multi-task.

So on this very cold day ( I couldn't feel my fingers after an hour of straight non-stop street hunting), I spotted this young lady standing at one of the windows of Liberty's at the Great Marlborough street entrance.

The fur caught my eye at first then the Marc jacobs but I had been seeing that all day and I thought to myself, 'nothing special.'
But then as I was still deciding whether to shoot her or not, I noticed that she had a cigarette, cheque book and blackberry in her hands and seemed to be doing three activities at the same time plus she looked stylish while doing them.

This was the clincher because it is symbolic of today's non-stop world.

The mordern world has become faster and there are never enough hours in the day to finish all the things one has to do.


daniela kate morosini said...

i think that first shot on its own is standalone triumph - it really does capture all the hecticness of modern life, but it's so stylish too!

thank you for all your help lately, i realised the closing date was soon so i edited the last one myself and sent them off. fingers crossed! x

Anonymous said...

I'm like that too esp on fashion shoots, I have a Nokia E71 (no blackberry), a steamer, notebook and pen in my hands! We all have to multi-task otherwise we fall behind.

The Photodiarist said...

I feel the same way. Always racing against time . . .

Now following you on Bloglovin . . .

Prutha Raithatha said...

omg...i totally feel you on not having enough time to do anything... really i do...

love her hat and her fur...

follow if u like what u see?

happy day!!


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