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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The Vuitton Negotiation.

If the bible was re-written today, Louis Vuitton would be in it. It's incredible what this brand has managed to achieve in terms of global reach and appeal since it was founded in 1854 as a small leather goods company in Paris.

Which brings me to this pretty young lady that was unknowingly minding her own business (shopping) when I approached her from behind that she nearly jumped. She had the biggest 'lou-wee' scarf (as pronounced in popular urban culture), I had ever seen and to add to that some very interesting accessories underneath it screaming for attention (which I thought was a very clever nice touch).

'She had to be shot!' I thought, but the problem was she had a male companion with her who wasn't so keen on my proposal.

I once again deployed my negotiation skills by telling them that it would be a sin to deny the people their right to Visual-Stimulation (which tantamounts to capital punishment in fashion court of law. I lie not).

After this revelation, I was given the go-ahead and also asked the guy to jump in (who I also thought looked stylish in the oversized stripy top, leather jacket, bowler hat and nikeys).

To top it all off, the icing on the cake was the... Smile!


Fashionistable said...

She looks sweet I love the scarf too. He looks like he is about to punch your lights out - Careful there David.

daniela kate morosini said...

LVMH have achieved so much it's ridiculous! i love her jacket too. but yup, that guy looks kinda angry!

The Photodiarist said...

She is stylish. Love those Balmain-esque shoulders . . .

Anonymous said...

She looks like a fucking tramp!
Typical blonde bimbo!
He how ever looks stylish.

Project Curve said...

he does look like he wants to punch you!
the above comment is why i de-activated anon posting on my blog!

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