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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Mob Rule - Croydon - London.

The image you see above is one of many that I took yesterday evening in Croydon of a looter helping themselves to whatever they could in the midst of what I can only describe as a war zone.

As some of you London residents already know, our city has been hijacked by criminal elements taking advantage of a local issue in north London and turning it into an opportunity for vandalism and criminal damage with far reaching consequences.  


Rowan | R E D R E I D I N G H O O D said...

Beautiful picture, but they shouldn't mess up London!

Thank you for your lovely comment, dear!


Ruth said...

I'm disappointed at the childish nature of these people, fair enough the country is in crisis but that is no excuse for destroying the opportunities, homes and livelihoods of so many. Has nobody ever heard of peaceful protests?!

Fashionistable said...

I am so shocked and saddened by this wanton destruction. Xxxx

Unknown said...

I WAS ALSO IN SCHOCK WHEN I saw the videos in the news I coul'nt believe it is horrible but like your pict thought hope everything gets back to normal in London cause love london kisses my Dear Have you check my GIVEWAY ON MY BLOG CHECK IT OUT KISSES

dimitri said...

I'm saddened by this wanton destruction too.
Nice pictures, and great post.

Lydia said...

Croydon's my hometown it's so sad to see it being destroyed like this, i was there just as it all started to kick off, glad i went home when i did!

Sherin said...

It was horrible to see everything going on in London last night! I was glued to the news till about 1am.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I'm just finding this stuff all too much..sick how some people can behave..tearing up places where people work hard to get paid and live. Just not right, wish I was there with my camera too..fab editorial picture!

Rita J. said...

Thank you. I'm following. Follow me back*

fashion and frank said...

I am really shocked by the scale of this and it has nothing to do with the original incident - and they are hurting their own community - people who have worked hard and are just getting on with their lives - i saw a woman on the news last night whose home had been burnt down and has lost everything - where is the right in that - they are just thugs and thieves x

Lena said...

London survived the night and fires and chaos. I am completely shocked by these riots and looting! Suffer any innocent people!

Dressy Celeb said...

Support for London!

♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

Styleadvisor said...

These people are such a nuisance! And I hear it's spreading to other towns in the UK...very sad.

SabinePsynopsis said...

You're brave to take pictures while this is going on, David. It's truly sad. It especially makes me sad that the rioters/looters don't even seem to know if they've got a message (because I think they do) - all they do is destroy and grab things... as if this was the only reason we've got in life.

Unknown said...

I agree, you're very brave to take this picture. I can't believe these brainless people are ruining our beatiful city. What a waste.


Unknown said...

Dude...I would just like to be able to sleep without a helicopter over my head or sirens blasting out my ears. I know that is selfish to say BUT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!


Lee Oliveira said...

So said to hear that my favourite city is having a hard time coz some idiots decided to go mad!
I was there 2 weeks ago I really enjoyed to see my old friends..
Stay safe.
lee x

mermaid gallery said...

Thugs terrorizing one of the most beautiful cities in the world is shocking....that it just keeps happening is very frightening....we hear about the problems with binge drinking and fighting this the downfall of London?...a bunch of brainless, drunk, children?...i agree....where are their parents?

Audrey Allure said...

I still can't believe they would go to that level and destroy such a beautiful city.

Lauren said...

I'm so sorry to see what's going on in London. I would definitely not have the guts to be out photographing it. You are brave indeed!

Love your photograph. It's oddly serene considering the circumstances.

Do be careful and stay safe!

Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

I read so many articles on what's been going on in London and it's so sad! I really hope it gets better :)


Fashion Fractions

The Foolish Aesthete said...

This looting and vandalism is sad, scary and uncalled for. I hope you and the other UK-based bloggers are ok. Stay safe! xx

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Great capture! Your blog is awesome and so are your pictures.



sorelle in style said...

This is a great shot amidst such chaos. Stay safe! :)

sorelle in style

BeLighter said...

I saw and heard about those riots in London! Absolutely unbelievable!
Stay safe, my friend!
Great photo, in spite of everything!

Marielleheart said...

It's really wel taken, I've seen this on the news.. it's terrible.. I love london so much!

Angela said...

it is very sad what people will do during time of crisis. terrible.

Vix said...

Great picture, David. It's not just London. Birmingham City Centre was attacked and looted yesterday and even our Children's Hospital was under seige. x

Anna G said...

I worry so much about London. Be careful on those streets.

The.Red.See said...

Great shot! So sad at the event going on in London now :(

Fashionistable said...

You stay safe. Strange time indeed. Xxxx

Project Curve said...

it was a horrific image i have been catching on bbc for the past few days...don't go so near the riot struck places!!come on you will have us worrying!

Sisters and Sisters said...

The picture is perfect even it's just a normal pictures. So sad what they do in London!


Unknown said...

What's happening is horrible! Be safe!

xoxo Despite color

dressingup-everyday said...

I regret sincerely these disturb and hope peace comes soon. The photo is awesome because the orange glows like fire on the military green.

Matthew Spade said...

try stay safe as possible mate

Shoe said...

It's really horrible to watch all this happen... I can only be grateful that none of my loved ones have been hurt so far, and I hope everyone else is keeping safe.

Oh my Dior! said...

I really enjoy watching the photos of your blog!

V A N E S S A said...

I'm really sorry for what's happening in London. Be safe. said...

stay safe without going out!!!we just see images here from a TV like a real urban war!!!!

Ramona said...

I just can't believe what is happening in London. No way it can be posible. Perhaps in some third world country, but no in England, not in London. I hope it will stop soon and there will not be people who suffer from that.

Great photo!

xoxo Ra

Bad Joan said...

It's so terrible to hear about the tragedy happening in your city right now. What an interesting picture you captured. Stay safe!


LoveE ♥ said...

The images they've shown on the news on that are horrifying, stay safe sweetie!

LOVE your blog honey, shall we follow each other? :)

Anita said...

Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

nice photo...dont mess London up thou..

Ria said...

I'm glad that you managed to stay safe!

Unknown said...

Any chance that we could see some mroe of your pics? I bet you have some amazing images.

Sarah xxx

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