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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Life Goes On - Clapham High Street - London.

After four days of disruption to London's day-to-day activities that were held hostage by a group of mindless criminals as young as seven years old, life is slowly but surely returning to normal as these two images I shot on Clapham High Street demonstrate.


Unknown said...

London is really not the same, I'm here too, and things are ridic!!i ranted about the situation on my blog as well...

lovely photos though. shows how people feel, but at the same time, nice.

Alicia said...

❤ the first photo very much!

Style Eyes said...

Such a shame for all the sadness and misery these people have caused. I am glad things are starting to get back to normal.

Some amazing tattoos.

Ruth said...

<3 cobalt pleats!

I suppose what a lot of people want to do is move on and leave behind the violence. I'm praying the civil unrest doesn't move up to Scotland too!

Leia said...

Londoners are really amazing when it comes to just getting on with it... their strength is incredible.


dimitri said...

London i really a great place.
Londoners are so stylish.
Nice pictures.

jill said...

Relieved to hear, David. As we're still at the beach house (end of Long Island) you're my eyes & ears. Our Man on the Street, roving photographer.

There's a cool young couple renting near my mom: Squire and Corrina (how COOL are those names) and she's got a similar tattoo thing going. She was worried they wouldn't fit in but like with any community: if you're true to yourself, and have a generous spirit, you'll be loved.

So proud and inspired by the whole clean up spirit. Looking forward to seeing more shots, your streetstyle has evolved this week into documentary photography.

The PvdH Journal said...

There really is a bit of a weird feel... I think people really don't know how to react (myself included). Just trying to go on with my daily life


Michelle Lee said...

Hope everything will return normal soon for London!

fashion and frank said...

So shocking - good to hear things are starting back to normality - and great shots as always x

Isquisofrenia said...

wow this photos are freaken awesome

Carrymel said...

I love how your pictures seem to leave the identity of the person photographed mysterious.

mermaid gallery said...

so glad that sanity is returning...the news reports that it was thousands of unemployed thugs that have never worked a day in their unemployment really that staggering?...they must be trying to tell us something...

Cylia said...

great captured pictures:)

Lauren said...

I'm happy to hear things are returning to normal in London. You've really transformed into a photojournalist this week and now have warzone experience!

Love the photographs above, especially the blue and white outfit.

Fashionistable said...

It is great things are returning to normal. Love your recovery shots here. Xxxx

Tanvi said...

I am always amazed to see how free flowing life really is ... nothing makes it stop ...

Great shots here!

♡ from ©

Anonymous said...

mmm LOVE tattoos! I've been so sad hearing about all the happennings in London and I do hope it keeps getting better for you guys!

XO Sahra

Anonymous said...

I dont have any tattoos yet!! Im dying to get one... I like the 1st one.


Sharda said...

Dont want any real tattoos on my body, but I find these ones pretty interesting.;)

Dana said...

I'm so happy that everything is settling down :)

FashionJazz said...

I heard about everything, its really hectic, very happy to hear its all settling down now too. xx

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Glad it's settled down a bit, it's been such sad news! Great photos though, lovely job :)
xxxx said...

Just cool!


The Foolish Aesthete said...

So glad to hear of things going back to normal, but your point about the 7-yr old criminal is truly disturbing! How did a society as evolved as England's devolve this way?

Love your photojournalism. xx

Gosia said...

I love tattos, and these are quite interesting.

Northern Style Exposure said...

great photos. You have the gift :)

Deppa said...

Unfortunatelly we are living everyday with the same problems arround the world.
Nice to read that everything is goning normal.

See you!

Punctuation Mark said...

i'm still in shock at the images of all the riots... i have a hard time believing that this kind of thing happened in London! hope you're doing well over there!

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

Be careful! I heard about the riots on the news, and it seems a bit scary.

I hope it mellows down.


modanista junkie said...

You take the best street shots ever!!! I want a tattoo but am super scared. :(


Lysa said...

c'est un peu trop ces tatouages pour les femmes!

Sisters and Sisters said...

love the firt tattoo!


dressingup-everyday said...

I'm glad that the calm comes so soon. The first pic is awesome.

Katie said...

I love the girls outfit on the first pic, headscarf included. x

SabinePsynopsis said...

Get your tattoos out!
I'm glad things are calming down.

Look Pretty. said...

crazy rioters!

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of N.E.A.T. dick heads! Seven years old? I think some just took to it as an opportunity to behave like a criminal.. reminds me of what happened in L.A. the riot...

Angel Garcia said...

Ah I hope things are getting better out there! I love the tattoos.. I have two and always say I want more but dont have the courage to get more now haha..


stylenuggets said...

Crazy seeing footage of the looting and fighting on BBC. Glad things are returning to normal now.

Chicca said...

So shocking...crazy to see some rude scenes on the news... good to hear things are starting back to normality.
Life goes on...

Valerie said...

Gorgeous pics as always! I really love your images. :)

On another note, it's good to hear that everything is slowly going back to normal. All the best. xx

Matthew Spade said...

it was getting a bit ropey up north too for a bit wasn't it. girls with tats always a winner

Mademoiselle Mode said...

I love tatoo, I have got 2!!

Kisses from France :)

Project Curve said...

so glad!!love the photos

Bad Joan said...

Love these tattoos! So cool!


Anonymous said...

great pics!

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