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Thursday, 5 August 2010


This Geisha-like footwear by Vivienne Westwood is a good example of innovative design.

It is made of one piece of material that is part rubber part plastic fused into one and the cut of the design is very artistic too.

There are no stitches, just one piece of material ingeniously crafted.

Just take a moment to absorb the richness of this shade of red.


Biana said...

Lovely shade of red! These aren't shoes I would choose for myself though, but looks great on her feet! I love the cut of the design though.

The Photodiarist said...

Wow!! So many details here. The shoes are obviously killer but that necklace - - - it looks like a collection of dinosaur teeth!

Lady M said...

You know "Geisha"!:)
Yes,It's like a Geisha.
Beautiful red.
She is lovely!

Fashionistable said...

Brilliant shoes VW is the queen. What are those things on her necklace? They are not real teeth are they????

Jonathon Pedrozo said...

Really innovative! like this picturess



Connie Staccato said...

When you wear red, people are in awe of you (exception: red t-shirts).

Try it. You'll see.

Prutha Raithatha said...

those shoes r incredible and that necklace too

Ninjagaiden78 said...

I love these shoes!!

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