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Friday, 6 August 2010

The Victorian Gent.

This gentleman was minding his business when I approached him to ask for permission to take a couple of shots.

What drew me to him apart from looking so dapper, was that it was a weekend and he was dressed like this. He stood out like a sore thumb among the ubiquitous denim that's characteristic of weekend gear.

He later informed me that he comes from a long line of tailors though he is not one himself but likes to dress like the victorian gents used to, no matter what day of the week it is. Get this, he used to have a curled up moustache, Nickelson Wooster style.

He was waiting for a friend to go for drinks in a nearby pub when I approached him. I asked if they were going anywhere special afterwards , to which he answered no. Just hanging with friends.

Spoke proper english too. The one they teach you in grammar school in case you ever get to have audience with the Queen. Well mannered as well.

I later got to thinking what if we all dressed like this.

A true victorian gent indeed.


Biana said...

Wow, he's really a gentleman, brilliant! His look is complete. He seems like the type to drink tea with an outstretched pinkie, haha. You really captured his character and charme with your photos.

p.s. Thank you for your wonderful, stimulating comment and for making the effort even though you were almost late for your flight! Have a great weekend wherever you're off to!

The Photodiarist said...

Wow. Was this an autumnal shot? He's wearing gloves. Gotta say that his style takes commitment. Love it.

Fashionistable said...

What indeed. Us girls would have a lot more to wear too. Very interesting Gent indeed. Wish he had kept the tash. Love his shoes. Xxxx

Jonathon Pedrozo said...

Beautiful !!! and those gloves! i want those gloves :D

nice men!



His tortoishell glasses are simply sensational. What a dapper look!

What are you up to these days, David? Are you back in London?

Fashion Week yes yes yes?

Unknown said...

Oh how dapper! If I were a man, I would take tips from him. I may do anyhoo!

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