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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Mockingbird Story...


These words are a lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of this enchanting classic-a black man charged with the rape of a white girl.

As the world is engulfed in the madness of football-soccer to my freinds across the pond, I decided to be the contrarian that I usually am and re-acquaint myself with a classic.

So I trotted off to my local library so as to borrow said classic...

After having it in my possession, I had planned to take a short walk to the public square nearby in search of a nice quiet spot with a shade so as to read.

But no sooner had I put my bottom down on one of the park benches to get comfortable, than I spotted this...

I quickly gathered my belongings-more like shoving them in the tote including an open coke bottle while simulteanously unzipping the other bag that contained my camera in an effort to catch up with her as she headed off while thorougly indulging her guilty pleasure...

As you can see, she was having so much fun...

I had finally caught up and asked to shoot her while I shoved my contacts which I had written on the back of the grocery-shopping receipt-(now that's real classy, David!) into her hand...

I realised instantly that there is so much going on in this picture with all the different combinations of colours and textures of the watch with the lighter with the blackberry with the flowery top with the jacket with the rolled up sleeve to reveal the bracelets.
Note said receipt with my contact details in 'ciggie-hand.'

Afterwards, I asked her to jot down her contacts so that I could send the pics via email. As she was acomplishing said task, I cheekily started snapping away till I got this...

and this...

and this...

Finally, as she gave them back to me, I took one for the road, and what do you know, we got this unexpected smile that made my day...

Thank you for a mockingbird adventure. L.


Biana said...

That's a real good book, David. And what a fun story! Really good photos, especially the third. Love her bracelets! And you've brought me in the mood to go read a classic novel too. Maybe I will!

Fashionistable said...

It is a brilliant book. I love the last pic best without the cigarette, so much prettier :-) xxxx

The Photodiarist said...

Distractions, distractions!

Nadine2point0 said...

You've got such a great eye - love the "wristwear" as my friend calls it...she insists that there are bracelettes, bangles, then wrist belts (with the toggles that catch thru to fasten) and then of course a sub-category called beadlettes, and stonelettes...etc. etc.
Great story here!
Where did the weekend go?!?


Ah David, I've left Leeds for the summer now. Sorry we never made that shoot date. Good luck with your script and let me know how you get on!

The Aslan pictures were taken at a big party my friends and I threw at the uni back in April.

Hope to bump into you soon in a river Island somewhere, haha!

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