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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Rachel - Spring Gardens, Trafalgar Sq. - London.


mispapelicos said...

So Marc Jacobs somehow.
Thank you dear David for your eye and your art.

styleeast said...

I like how you got the dog to pose too! Nicely done

Irene said...

Nice post!!
Love your blog!!

Lauren@Styleseer said...

Beautiful! Looks like it's summer in London!

Catherine Liem said...

aww it's the cutest. what's the name?? nice print on the dress btw =) and thanks for your lovely visit. vintage shops it is.


Style Hostess

mermaid gallery said...

that dress is so 1969!!! I remember that fashion trend all goes around and around.....

Monica said...

That pattern on the dress is amazing. The synched waist part makes your waist look so small!


KAIIWONG said...

Pretty dress and cute dog

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iamperlita said...

It is good to dance! That's why I tend to dance whenever possible ;)

This dress is gorgeous!! That pooch is cute too! Lol
Thanks for sharing darling!!

Unknown said...

That is the great look...especially the dress!

Fashion Crazy Ball and My Facebook Page

Monse Fuentes said...

her dress is beautiful!

El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse
El blog de Monse

Anonymous said...

when it comes to style and individuality, i don't think there's a place or city in europe that can compare to london. i wish i had the balls to go up to people and capture their style. you're living my dream.
i have just one little criticism, i do love the simplicity of your blog, but this dark color is not very visually appealing. i hope that you don't take it the wrong way. the dark grey makes the photos look a little harsh, but maybe that is your intention. if it is, i apologize.

warm greetings!

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Great image, and what an eye-catching maxi (Missoni-esque pattern?). -- J xx

Iubire said...

Lovely dress! visit me!

Connie Staccato said...

She's a beauty...but the dog makes the shot!

kerrin said...

awesome blog, so glad your comment led me here!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

the dress is wonderful (and the hair!) but the dog steals my heart :)

Angela said...

Pretty dress!!!! And the dog... I like!!!!!!!
Angela Donava

Anonymous said...

Love the look!!

Kisses from Italy


StylishByNature said...

Love Love this dress !! Wanna follow each other ??


Matthew Spade said...

great thats a top notch snap

MeganB said...

The model seems to be deliberately posing for that perfect look but it’s the dog that steals the show with a natural attempt to look stylish and attractive. However, the pattern on the dress look beautiful and the color compliments the outfit completely. It surely looks like London is floating in its summer season in the pic. Cool stuff, I should say. The falling blonde hair adds to her sex appeal.


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