

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

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Friday, 3 February 2012

On Great Castle Street - Oxford Circus - London.

13 comments: said...

I want that vest!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Gorgeous vest!! xx

O said...

Army wear is hot!

Lena said...

amazing outfit! love her shoes!

Fashionistable said...

Love the 1st shot she looks like a 60s chick. Xxxx

Unknown said...

i loooove her hair! it's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

A curious mix of textures. She wear them well!

I am off to Africa today my friend. I think we should sort out a catch up when I get back. I think it's my turn to by the tea!

Connie Staccato said...

She looks AMAZING in those glasses!

sugarhoneybaby said...

Great photos:)

Lauren@Styleseer said...

I really like the first shot. Round glasses, big fur collar - so Janis Joplin.

Lysa said...

J adore ta veste!!!
Super look!!!

Matthew Spade said...

bit different this, nice one

Barbara von Enger said...

As a ballerina I am trying to figure out if she is a ballerina or simply crossing legs.

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