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Monday, 20 February 2012

London Fashion Week - Fall 2012 - Day Three.


Beautycountry said...

So many great pictures :D

Love your eye for details!

Barbara von Enger said...

A feast for the eyes. xx

styleeast said...

Look at all those celebs! Guess why I missed Alexa? Cos I was chatting. As usual. Great shots. Hope to see a bit more of you today (though sure you'll be running round like a maniac)

The Dainty Dolls House said... the array!! x

sajuki said...

great photos :D

Mademoiselle Lala said...

Le sigh... You have the best photos! :)

It was really great to see you yesterday! X

fashion and frank said...

Wish i could have been there - that top shot with candice is amazing x

Connie Staccato said...

This is weird - I used to have long, dark hair with a fringe and wore a gold star near the corner of my eye...time machine?

Jonna said...

I love your pics :)
nukleopatra xx

Ana Sofia said...

wow love all looks :) you're so lucky to be there.

Lauren@Styleseer said...

Great coverage of day three. The photographer with the mohawl is fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Amazing collection of photos!

Andrea said...

love the blue fur and the shoes on the last pic!

Nicola said...

Stunning work as always, David! I am very glad to have finally met you at LFW - and eagerly anticipate seeing the rest of the photos. Dina

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

So many beautiful images, so many beautiful styles!

Fashionistable said...

Loving all your shot over the last few days. There is a wonderful growing confidence in them which is brilliant to see. Xxxx

Plami said...

The best photos as always <3


Claire McQue said...

love it, looks like you had such a great time! love how you've captured Alexa's natural beauty :)

Anonymous said...

I love your photos as always - it was lovely to meet you the other day!!



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