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Saturday, 26 November 2011

Head-Turners - Aldywch - London.

Have yourselves a great weekend and make sure to keep warm; a little Vodka might help, but don't over do it.


Barbara von Enger said...

The second image has a Japanese element to it. The first is very on trend. Have a nice weekend, mr wonderful;-)

Mademoiselle Lala said...

It really is so cold, doesn't it?!

The second pair of shoes and socks are just awesome. I love details like that - you know then that a person put time and effort into his/her outfit. X

Marina :) said...

Love the pants on the first picture!

Lysa said...

Super look!!! Les chaussures super cool!!!
J adore

mispapelicos said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have just died and gone to heave, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
I want those Japanese platforms, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
You are the very BEST!!!

Kazuko said...


FairyFiligree said...

OMG - What is the weather like then? Love the Japanese platforms best.

Anonymous said...

Love the first photo! Beautiful!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Love the second photo..the first, I like the hsoes but if my toes were at all coming over the edge, it would annoy me, haha! I'm Weird like that! Love the colours in both though..have a great weekend! xx

sugarhoneybaby said...

Great photos:)

Gawgus things... said...

Or a little sherry ;) Bon week-end!!

the20'sgirl said...

Lovely first photo!

ginta_b said...

love them flip flops do u have any idea where they from.... so nice print for november :)

Lauren@Styleseer said...

Wow! Love the pants in the first one!

mermaid gallery said...

those boots aren't made for walking!...

The Foolish Aesthete said...

I just LOVE both of these images! Two very different approaches to style, but definitely related through color and pattern. xx

Connie Staccato said...

Those would certainly turn my head! And I'm 'way ahead of you on the vodka!

Sick by Trend said...

VERY COOL! the last one are very cool.. JAPAN ROCK


Have a great weekend :)

Tanvi said...

First pair - *sigh!*

♡ from ©

Unknown said...

I love the Rodarte by Kirkwood model so so cool!

Mónica C. Welton said...

omg sick pics!!!


fashion and frank said...

How do you do it - i love your detail shots - a little vodka - its always the little that seems to be the problem xx

Plami said...

OMG the first pair of shoes is absolutely stunning!


Ann said...

Oooh vodka,

my choice of drink.

Love the Japanese touch in these.

Shelby said...

wow, i love the first pair... they create a very powerful image combined with the colorful trousers! (though her toes appear to be falling off the edge of the shoes, i can't imagine she's very comfortable) <3shelby

Mani said...

Oh my, first pair is just perfect!

Fashionistable said...

These have a wonderful eastern vibe. Xxxx

The life after said...

Impressive contrast!!

The Life After

ps said...

wow, love :))

Bir Alışverişkoliğin İtirafları said...

Ohh, ı die for nicholas kirkwood heels in fist pic yet I could not find them anywhere :/

Unknown said...

Loving the geita and tabi pic! I should rock this too! Though cos I am Kenyan...I gotta wait till the sun comes out!

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