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Monday, 26 September 2011

Stephanie's London Fashion Week Wardrobe.

I first met Stephanie on the second day of Graduate Fashion Week at West Brompton - (first picture) - during the summer. What I love about her style is the ability to mix colour like no other.


Marina :) said...

Love her. She is so cute :)

Barbara von Enger said...

Indeed. I like the way she flirts with colour. Reminds me of the folks in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. They know how to rock colour, too;-)

Amanda said...

Great combination of color I agree! Great shots indeed =)

Chicca said...

Love her style!!!She's adorable!

Milica said...

Amazing outfits!

Down This Road said...

ahh her colour blocking combos are beyond fab!! x

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Such beautiful colours, love them!! xx

dimitri said...

She looks like a supermodel. She's very pretty.
Her style is really perfect. So stylish and elegant.


lookin' good in her neon shades. sophisticated poppin' charm!



Ann said...

She's got talent mixing all those fab colors to achieve a perfect look.

I know I can't pull it,
but she's a beauty in all those fabulous outfits ♥

Christina Barcelona said...
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Christina Barcelona said...

wow. shoes are stunning!!!

fashion and frank said...

She is so gorgeous - i remember seeing her on the Sunday at LFW - that smile doesnt hurt either x

Connie Staccato said...

A cutie! That pink and blue is everywhere, probably because of her.

There's going to be a lot of red on the sale rack at the end of this season...

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

Agree with Claire, lovely smile and great ability to wear bright colours!

ChiChi81 said...

She's absolutely gorgeous, and I love the way she mixes these bright colours :)


A Single Girl's Musings

Mademoiselle Lala said...

I remember seeing her everyday and admiring her looks! She has such great style! X

sajuki said...

she's so stylish !

Liz S said...

Yes, her colourwork is brilliant. I see she always has something about the brights that tones them down just a little and makes the outfit not garish but happy. She also has the most beautiful face structure and smile!

Absolutely Mrs. K said...

well she knows how to work with color, what i love the most is the fact that she has a very distinctive style, almost like a signature! gorgeous feminine style

mermaid gallery said...

quite a ray of sunshine in a world of black wearing folks....she has great spirit and style.....

Project Curve said...

the colours are great..that it shows a bit of her personality i guess...what i love seeing best is that she has used same items in different outfits and created different looks..that is what i love about a truly stylish person..
does she have a blog?

Unknown said...

What i love about her style is the fact that i recognise a lot of her key pieces from high street stores!

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Beautiful palette that looks perfect on her own coloring. This is the way to mix and match a wardrobe stylishly! xxx

JustPatience said...

Beautiful. She definetely knows how to mix colors. I wish I could raid her shoe closet.


Anonymous said...

ah! YES LOVE her style! will you be posting more of her? I hope so!

XO Sahra

kristina@beancakes ★ said...

what a gorgeous girl! and yes i agree with you that she has an amazing ability to mix up different colors ~ beautiful!!
xoxo ~ ks

Fashionistable said...

Beautiful girl with wonderful style. Xxxx

Unknown said...

Nice and gorgeus outfits, very cool color matching and color blocking....:D

Lauren said...

Very pretty young lady and, yes, she has quite a way with color.

The Styleseer

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

Her style is really fresh and funky, I love it. said...

Love the last two shoes!


Unknown said...

she has an amazing style!


modanista junkie said...

GORG!!! I want everything she's wearing!!


Plami said...

she's not only so beautiful, but also has an incredible style! And you're right saying she mixes colors like no other! :)


styleeast said...

hahaha, great minds think alike, check the post I just did (about Karina) before coming over here!! AS USUAL THOUGH, you do it better! Great shots, love how she mixes up all those colours in so many different ways..

Raquel said...

Guau!I love all looks! The blue boots are great!

Veronica of Best of Palm Beach Consignment said...

Ugh I love her style. Loving the pop of color in the first two pictures. I have started experimenting with color too, so far I am pleased with results.

noura. said...

so adorable

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

She looks fab! I love her shoes!

Unknown said...

Ahh such colorful outfits! Love it! :) I like the blue wedges!

Sammie said...

thank you for checking out my blog :)
those looks are so colorful,very pretty

join my small giveaway if you want to :)


Bang and Buck said...

so much colour, i love it! you take great shots


Bang & Buck

jill said...

I don't think I've ever met her, and I don't even know how it's possible - she and I must have been on opposite sides of Somerset House all week - but I'm kicking myself I didn't find her. She's lovely: just radiates something so genuinely nice.

Love how you put this all together in a series. Stephanie, if you're reading this, please get in touch: I'd love to meet & shoot you some other time in London!

jill @

Great to see you, David. As always. xx

Angela said...

I love all her color combo.

bridechic said...

Each shot as gorg as the next.

Snazzy Dollface said...

all of these outfits are so awesome!!! I can't even pic a favorite because the all are!!! :)

Sharda said...

wow,such beautiful outfits and shoes. Really really love them all! said...

the subject it's a real muse for every photographer and your set is great as usual

SabinePsynopsis said...

Stephanie looks AMAZING... every day!

Liz Lizo said...

Omg this girl is a genius at mixing colors, she really has fun with them, I love every single outfit.

Liz Lizo

Low said...

Tne 2nd and Last outfits are the best!!
Is this girl somebody famous in the UK? I don´t know her at all...


FashionJazz said...

Her style is amazing! X

Tiffany said...

Oh, she is gorgeous and I just love all of these looks! She's pretty brilliant with the color mixing!

Vivi N. said...

Cute pictures. She does know how to use color well. That last photo is giving me the giggles due to the fact of that random guy staring out the window.

single wardrobe said...

Love her style!!!She's adorable!

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