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Saturday, 17 September 2011

London Fashion Week - Spring/Summer 2012 - Day One.


mispapelicos said...

You have better yourself, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am in ecstasy. Such wonderful photos and so much inspiration.
You have the best EYE.

Barbara von Enger said...

OMG! Now I can't wait for Paris Fashion Week. LOL. My eyes are dazzled - there's much beauty and detail here;-)

Mademoiselle Lala said...

It is pretty amazing seeing your pictures and recognizing majority of it. :) I can't believe you took one of the pug - and in such a great moment! ;) X

dimitri said...

Love these photos. It's very inspiring.
The first outfit is so elegant.
Great post.

Anonymous said...

I want be there ;<

Milica said...

Amazing photos! Love the last shoes!

Patrycja Tyszka said...

wonderful people.

SoapyMermaid said...

incredible details...

fashion and frank said...

Oh i have been so waiting for this - did not disappoint - will be tomorrow and will def be on the lookout x

Unknown said...

ah you're so lucky to be there, so many gorgeous outfits! xx

Meena Dhuga said...

great photos!! love all the sunglasses and the one of Nadia from froufrou

Meena ♥

sugarhoneybaby said...

Woe!Great photos!!
I love it!:)

Unknown said...

whaooo,stunning pictures,very beautiful!

Kazuko said...

amazing post. reminds me why i'm such a big fan of london (fashion week)!

menina elegante said...

STUNNING. I love these photos. :) xx

BeLighter said...

And here come the "fashion birds"! Love fashion weeks!!!
the girl in the 1st photo, hasn't she appeared before? I'm recognizing those shoes... hmm...

Michelle Lee said...

gosh i love so many things about this post
a. the first outfit so colorful =definitely love it
b. this is why I need an ipad 2 (i have a 1)
c. that prada duo!!!!!

ChiChi81 said...

You really have a gift with capturing candid moments and turn them into something fab! I love these photos. And that little pooch looked so adorable, so contented and pampered in it's masters' arms! That's my most fave shot of all haha.


A Single Girl's Musings

Vivi N. said...

Nice! I'm tripping over the lady's white necklace in the 5th photo.

Vivi N. said...

Yo, is that lady (in the 15th photo) wearing newspapers as a 'jacket' and lugging what looks like a dead skunk around her neck?

jess said...

I love the first photo.

The Foolish Aesthete said...

GREAT shots, and you just kept on going! Really love all of these. xx

noura. said...

that newspaper jacket is brilliant

Unknown said...

This is wooow!! Really interesting, great job!!!^.^



Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

Love these images. You have asuch a great eye to highlight beautiful details, like the shoes in the last image or the lady keeping a Chanel purse. It's great to see so many stylish people out and about during fashion week.

Dunia C. said...

great post!

Jardin de la Mode said...

Amazing pictures! You've got great eye for details ♥


Deppa said...

Oh wow! I can't believe how beautiful the first girl looks, she is perfect :)

Pretty pictures, lots of inspiration from London.

Have a cute weekend.
See you

Sherin said...

Oooo, I was around Somerset House yesterday as well. I remember the girl in the gold dress: amazing. And I saw the girl in the first picture as well: she looked gorgeous.

Unknown said...

I love the pics *-*

madebygigi said...

Great pictures. Love them all, but my favourite is first one. Love the mix of colors.

beesandbugs said...

Great shots!
Want the blue sweater :)

Plami said...

Great images! The girl in the first one looks so fresh and I am in love with the shoes in the last one!


Tanvi said...

iNCREDIBLE!!! It so fresh and colorful!

♡ from ©

bridechic said...

The orange shoes have me swooning! Love alll the festive and costumey hats the British are so great at creating. Who's the pooch?


40 over 20 said...

unbelievably fantastic!!!! You have outdone yourself!!

Lindsay said...

I love these style shots. Each one has a dose of inspiration.

Sharda said...

superb pictures and very stylish people.;)My favorites are the awesome shoes on the first picture and the black and grey jacket.

Nadine2point0 said...

Gasp! these photos are fantastic! LOVE the shoes as the period at the end of your post. They are beautiful!
Not sold on the newsprint fabric....

Fashionistable said...

I am clapping my hands these are wonderful. This is so much fun. Xxxx

Gosia said...

Oh wow, great photos!

V A N E S S A said...

What a beautiful pictures! they really inspiring me. The orange shoes are awesome.

V A N E S S A said...

What a beautiful pictures! they really inspiring me. The orange shoes are awesome.

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

Omg! The one with the fox fur ( or whatever) and the newspaper dress is impdessing me! I think that you caotured quite well the spirit that is pervading fashion weeks lately!

Sara said...

i seriously love every picture! what camera do you use?

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

Loving all of those bright colours and fun accessories and details. Only in London!

Marcela Gmd said...

Wow FANTASTIC post!!!
I love your blog!
I follow you with Bloglovin, now!

Besos, desde España, Marcela

Low said...

Totally hooked to these post!!
Gorgeous pictures!!!!!!!!!

Mademoiselle Mode said...

I love all !!! Amazing: colors, looks, accessories, shoes.

Congratulations for Theses pics!!
New post - kisses from France

Tanisha E said...

I love all of these especially the turquoise ankle boots. I need to find a pair, Awesome shots as usual Nyanzi said...

WOW! What ruffled shoes on the last photo! :)


Absolutely Mrs. K said...

oh my! that is all i can say! oh and the balenciaga shoes! i never regret something! except the fact that i never ever could get my hands on those shoes

Deppa said...

I cant believe that the third girl is the same that the picture that I loved yesterday! she is pretty amazing and now I can see that she always wears pretty clothes :)

Cute post, I love everything here, the colors rocks!

See you!

Ashley said...

Ah, I've been waiting for your FW post, and you did not disappoint! Brilliant! I especially love the shot of the guy using his ipad. So interesting.

Connie Staccato said...

You look like you are having a VERY good time!

Alice Olive said...

Wonderful images! Particularly love the Prada sunnies.

Isabel, Wake up & smell the azahar said...

Just seen all your FW shoots & I have to say that you're doing an amazing work, all the pics are truly wonderful. Congrats ;)

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