

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

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Friday, 9 September 2011

At India Place - Aldywch - London.

Just a quick note: According to the statement on yesterday's post, I might have led some people to think that I am in New York to shoot at the shows. Unfortunately, I do not have the finances to do that. All I meant was seeing the streetstyle on the blogs.
In the mean time, we have had a surge in temperatures today. Here's what our streets, in London, have to offer. 


Chicca said...

She's amazing!!!Love her style!

Unknown said...

it was freezing yesterday!!

love the pop of colour in that little stool anyway

Julia said...

Ohhh! it seems that she is in a old film! I love it! Kisses

Barbara von Enger said...

Her skin is so radiant. Summer is back in London I see;-)

Anastasios said...

Just like a break from a movie filming. Great look and moment.

Vladetta said...

Thank you for your comment)));)
This is very nice Look))

Andrea said...

London :) miss it so much. Thank you for your comment. This girl has such cool sunglasses!

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

She is so romantic! I love her hat!

fashion and frank said...

Oh she is absolutely darling - beautiful shots - really beautiful x

Nancie said...

she looks divine! love her glasses!

Plami said...

She's gorgeous! Every single detail of this outfit is so beautiful, soft and feminine!


Mademoiselle Lala said...

I love the flower detail! So Carrie Bradshaw! :)

I can't wait to see what London Fashion Week streetstyle has to offer! And I hope the temperatures will remain the same with no rain and lots of sun. :) X

dimitri said...

she's absolutely divine. Gorgeous style.
Love everything about this outfit.

Gawgus things... said...

What a gorgeous girl! love her style :)

The PvdH Journal said...

It was a really nice day indeed! I love the flower detail on her hair.

and i cant wait either to see the street style ;)

Alice Olive said...

So feminine and pretty!

Unknown said...



Connie Staccato said...

The glasses are amazing. And next time you want to visit NYC, let me know and I'll see if I can find someone for you to stay with.

Vani said...

I love her style!! Just beautiful.


Kashaya said...

She looks amazing, loving the hat!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute... and rock'n'roll somehow :)

Audrey Allure said...

Her hat is really cute.

Marina :) said...

Love the dress :)

Unknown said...

Soooo cuuuute!! :)



The Foolish Aesthete said...

I love these shots and her style! I'd borrow her look from head to toe. xxx

mispapelicos said...

Fabulous LOndon. I adore her flower hoping for spring, and your good eye for capturing magic moments.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Beautiful pictures, David. I've got a hunch very soon someone will pay the expenses (and a handsome fee) to get you to NY for some fashion shooting :)

Isquisofrenia said...

such a lovely dresssss

BeLighter said...

OhMyGod! I'm in love with this girl!!!
(the weather has been really weird, isn't it?)

Mónica C. Welton said...

great look!


Winnie said...

Love how simple her outfit is but she's accessorized with a hat and some sunnies for added glamour. The seat(?) she is sitting on strangely matches her ensemble too!

Styleadvisor said...

Beautiful! Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.

modanista junkie said...

Cute!! Happy friday!


Grazziella said...

Soo cute, love the hat
Peace n' kisses from France

ChiChi81 said...

I love her style! She's so feminine and so sweet. I love that touch of flower in her hair, she's gorgeous.


A Single Girl's Musings

bridechic said...

This is one of my fave looks! I do love the crispness of Bowler hats. Tres chic . . .

Vix said...

Such a pretty Flapper-style vibe! It's been a beautiful day today, I hope it lasts. Style is so much better when it's summery style. x

Bravoe Runway said...

I am more than happy to see what is strolling through the streets of London! I am sorry to have not responded to your question from the "portrait of a lady," post. The skirt was made of silk both the shell and lining embellished with beads and sequins!

styleeast said...

Love the space in that second shot. I reckon you'd give the NY streetstyle bloggers some serious competition!

Anonymous said...

So pretty outfit <3

Project Curve said...

oh i thought you were there!!!
but this is stunning!!!i would steal every item she's wearing!

Punctuation Mark said...

hope the weather stays like that for a few more days... have a great weekend!

Ellie said...

Her dress is fantastic! Loving the colors in this photograph it's gorgeous.


Marcia B. said...

love your outfit!

r.a.j.e. said...

this is stunning! love the contrast of stool and outfit... Ax

Jen @ redsolesandredwine said...

Love this photo! The hat, accessories and dress - perfect for the surge in temperature.

Gosia said...

Her look is unique, she looks great.

Maria Bastida said...

wowwww looooove it!! :D

Noe @ ADELLA AVENUE said...

Such a great look! The backdrop and her little gold seat seal the shot.

Lau Figueiredo said...

Beautiful :)

Yeah, I wish I could go to New York too..It would be a dream.


sugarhoneybaby said...

Cute photos:)

jess said...

I love her hat.

the style crusader said...

So with you regarding the street style from NYFW. I was getting way too overexcited last night when blogs started getting updated! Hah. Oh mann...

Gorgeous shots. Love how she's sitting on that bright yellow plastic... cone? Obviously it's not a cone. You know what I mean. xx

Isabel said...

shes adorable! said...

cant stand to be back and read your blog and this is a good reason for it

Damar Rivillo said...

great style, love the dress

Damar Rivillo said...

great style, love the dress

beryl said...

i love her style!


Anonymous said...

I adore her style!!!

Mallory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
My Unfinished Life said... her hat, hairdo and the flowers in her head!!!

Best of Palm Beach said...

There is always next season my dear and you my friend are going places. Love your blog, you have a great eye and a lot can happen in a season or two.


Babinette said...

j'adore cette tenue ^^

Elle Sees said...

I kinda have this outfit, which now I need to put together

Fashionistable said...

Love the 1st shot best. Beautiful portrait. Xxxx

Mademoiselle Mode said...

Amazing !!
The dress is fantastic ! I love it

Liz S said...

She wears that style so well!

Low said...

Ok, New York is always an AMAZING option (even more during FW), but London is not that bad!!!

Cool pictures! 100% chinese fashion! :-)


Unknown said...

Hi, love the blog.
Give a pass by the mine.
If you like, we can follow each other?

Michelle Lee said...

cute style :)

Coco said...

She's so cute!

sajuki said...

love this dress :)

Unknown said...

wow this dress is stunning!!

Sharda said...

She looks supercute.Love her hat and the flower in her hair.;)

Sharda said...

She looks supercute.Love her hat and the flower in her hair.;)

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

Lovely images. She looks like a character from the beginning of the last century and I love the details of her outfit: the hat and the flower in the hair made it so special.

ps said...

she looks amazing

Unknown said...

love the first pic!
if you want we can follow each others!

Angela said...

she looks amazing.

Ashley said...

Great photos, she's spectacular

classiq said...

Love the dress. Simple, with beautiful detailing. :)

kristina@beancakes ★ said...

i just love the makeup here as well as the pretty blossom and cool hat!!
xx ~ ks

SoapyMermaid said...

she is sublime :)

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