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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

On The Street - Bishopsgate - London.


Absolutely Mrs. K said...

love the first one because of the curry and the blue colours! such a wicked effect! so much in love with that girls top

whitney said...

These are so gorgeous! Loving the colours in the first photo and that wreath on the last one!

fleeting moments

Gawgus things... said...

Love the fringing on the bag in the last shot - gimme, gimme, gimme!

Style Eyes Fashion Blog said...

Loving the bag and the flower garland in the last picture

Fashionistable said...

All different yet very personal. I can just image what each of them looks like. Xxxx said...

Loving the laid back style of the second girl!

Lysa said...

Super ces sac!!!!
Tres cool 3eme photo!!!

dimitri said...

Nice photos and bags.
The bag on the first shoot is so chic and great.

Styleadvisor said...

I love all the little accessories in the 2nd shot!

Sherin said...

I love the yellow top with the polka dots. Looks amazing!

fashion and frank said...

stunning detail shots - love no 2's jewellery - bamboo bangle hello x

Anonymous said...

So great photos!;)

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

That bag, from the 3rd image, I want it :).

Shelby said...

the last photo is my favorite... what an edgy cool look and i love how you captured the best details of her outfit. the fringed bag is awesome and all the jewelry as well... and i love the flower crown just chilling at her side <3shelby

Lee Oliveira said...

Loving the mustard polka dot blouse
lee x

Milica said...

Great photos as always! Love the last bag!

Mademoiselle Lala said...

I love tote bags! What a great idea pinning small stuffed toys! :) X

My Fashion Bug said...

love that bag in the last picture!
My Fashion Bug

FashionJazz said...

Loving all these details :) Hope you have a lovely day xx

Thrift_Queen said...

I know I am saying the same thing over, and over again, but I have to- "very inspiring shots":)

Lauren said...

Love the polka dot top in the first shot and the great leather backpack in #3!

The Styleseer

Gosia said...

The second photo is so optimistic, and love the dress (romper?) in the last picture.

Mademoiselle Mode said...

I love the last bag

New post :)
Des bisous

Silvia Negretti said...

So stylish people!
The 1st pic is my fav!

Tanvi said...

First pic is definitely a winner here! :)

♡ from © said...

Oh, I need a same Wrangler denim jacket! Is this vintage? I think...


modanista junkie said...

Gosh I wish I were in London. So many great Street styles.


JULIA said...

oh, great blog! all the people are so stylish, and so individual. love it!

Andrea said...

love the pics! esp the mustard blouse on the first one!

menina elegante said...

I really love that last photo!! :D x

Couture Carrie said...

Lovely detail shots!
That fringed bag is tres cool!


Jardin de la Mode said...

Stunning! I love the first one ♥

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

I LOVE that bag!!!The fringe one I mean! It'sooo cool!

sorelle in style said...

Great shots! I love the little details in the second photo - especially the colorful ring! :)

sorelle in style

Dressy Celeb said...

Nice bags! :)

♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

Rosa creativa said...

beautiful fringe bag


My Stylish Little Secret

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Your last subject is most interesting. All these edgy details, then suddenly a flower wreath! Makes me want to learn more about this lady! xx

Bad Joan said...

That fringe bag is rockin'!


Bravoe Runway said...

I am convinced London has the best Street Style! I also was amazed by what the people wore in the Waterloo Vintage Festival! It was seriously like a snapshot back in time! Extremely well done!

dressingup-everyday said...

The first one is awesome:beautiful harmony of colors.

Henar said...

SabinePsynopsis said...

Looks like one can't get away from dots these days... Great rucksack!

Angel Garcia said...

Loving the fringe bag! Especially that flower head band...

Love! Angel...

jess said...

I love the polka dot blouse.

Jadore-Fashion said...

Love the polka dot blouse!


Mimi said...

awwww, i love random snapshots like this! :D

<3, Mimi

Michelle Lee said...

amazing bags@

Nekiah Torres said...

The 1st picture is AMAZING!! I am so in love with that mustard polka dot top! It looks insane with brown and that blue/gray clutch is PERFECT with it! LOVES IT! Kiah

Anonymous said...

I simply adore the 1st photo!

Project Curve said...

i would love to own that last dress..she seems like an edgy person

Rose Keats said...

Adore the spotty blouse, belt & clutch on the first person!
Much Love
Roisin Elizabeth

Katie said...

I like the first x

Jelena Zivanovic said...

I absolutely and definitely adore (after so much time) your fantastic ability to catch gorgeous details!!! Fab bags!!

mymy said...

love the last pic! her bag is beautiful !

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