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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

On Quaker Street - Brick Lane - London.

It's that time of year when we start digging out our light knits and jackets while still wearing open-toed foot wear as exhibited here by these three young ladies.


loubehr said...

ouahhh those pictures are so fun and awesome !!!

very cute outfits !!

Anonymous said...

Yay for retro awesome friends!

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

all about golden children

Lady and Olga said...

OMG such beautiful pictures, full of life, colors and friendship ! :)


Agnes in Wonderland said...

I would say "Here comes the style" :)

Unknown said...

very stylish! wow. I really like the girl in denim skirt and black shoes.

Nancie said...

they look super adorable! I just want to ride a bike and look good doing it!

Fashionistable said...

Looks like you have shot a lovely lifestyle campaign here. These are happy relaxed shots. Cool. Xxxx

Absolutely Mrs. K said...

oh my those photos are insane, i love the combination of the 3 women, they are so perfect together

a reference said...

This is a good moment captured! I love the striped shirt with the button-down skirt and socked oxfords!

I've been in London for a few days from NYC!It really is chilly here!

mispapelicos said...

Fabulous. Loving the sunglasses.

dimitri said...

Nice shoots.
they look great, lovely outfits.
The last pictures is perfect.

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

Your photos are always so magical. x hivenn

Liliana Ferreira said...

So cool this photos!
I love visit your blog it's always so inspiring! Thanks for have always nice photos!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Ahhh..I really want a bike like that!! Love it!! xx

Plami said...

They look so beautiful, happy and colorful! Great pictures!


Connie Staccato said...

Red jeans! All of them are beautiful, but the last photo is the most special.

Ellie said...

Oh yes, it's definitely that time of year again! These shots are great, love their outfits and each style is so great!

Anonymous said...

these photos are adorable! all these outfits are perfect for the in between summer and fall season. i could see this shots in teen vogue or something, they're very cute :)

Mรณnica C. Welton said...

so lovely, friends !


lifeisamaze said...

I love both photos !

Coco said...

I love these shots! So relaxed, happy and stylish! Excellent work as always David. Nice to see you too on Saturday, not long until LFW! x

The PvdH Journal said...

Transition pieces ;)

I so love the socks look right now


anastacia bogdanova said...



Tanvi said...

The last shot looks right out of movies! :)

♡ from ©

Isquisofrenia said...

they look so cute!!

Kit said...

I'm not ready for Autumn (my fav season)!!!! We haven't had summer yet :S

Styleadvisor said...

That's a great happy pic! Loving the socks in brogues at the mo.

amy b.s. said...

i swear, any photo with a cute bike like that just works.

little luxury list said...

I love these pictures! They capture all the color of a great summer's day!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Elle Sees said...

Love stripes. Always.

Barbara von Enger said...

So British!
These images embody summer, friendship, laughter and living only for the moment.xx

Down This Road said...

they are super cute!! love the preppy look on all of em! xx

Mademoiselle Lala said...

It's SO this time of the year. I need to dig out my cardigans and the scarves - and I don't know where I put them! :) X

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Wonderful shots! I'm not ready for fall, but these ladies look like they are transitioning with style. Xxx

Sherin said...

Coloured jeans are one of my favourite trends. The red ones look great.

Lee Oliveira said...

So much life in these photos...
Love it
lee x

Lauren said...

These young ladies look like they're having great fun. I really like the denim skirt/black shoes outfit. It's so perfectly preppy!

The Styleseer

mermaid gallery said...

fun and happy girls are!...girls just want to have fun...

ChiChi81 said...

Lovely photos. They all look so vibrant and happy. I especially like the girl with the bike's dress, it's so colourful, truly speaks SPRING!!


A Single Girl's Musings


Love the socks & brogues & red trousers.

Nadine2point0 said...

Love the red jeans!!!
Suddenly it's fall here, which is fine because I'm a cardi girl. Looking at these blazers though, I could be a convert :)
Great photos.

Miss Pepper Vintage said...

CuTE BAbeS!!!
♥ ... milla

About Last Weekend said...

Very cute preppy look, love the skirt and the shoes and socks. Wow, Brick Lane has come such a long way since I lived in London.

Berta said...

I love this bikes=)

styleeast said...

That look on the right is going straight in my 'inspiration' folder!

Thrift_Queen said...


Unknown said...

Woow, this girls are really cute!! Loving the outfit in the midlle, 2nd pic. :)



Low said...

Great style of the three women!! My favourite is the girl on the right, the one who wears socks and brogues!!
Love her!!


It-Blogirls said...


Julia said...

Love the 3 looks but exacly the 3ยบ one is my favorite, with a denim skirt and shocks/shoes is lovely! Beautiful pics! Which photo camera do you use? Thanks

jess said...

I love the look on the left.

dressingup-everyday said...

Three great outfits, but i like most is the moment of complicity and smiles of the girls.

Flaviana Boni said...

great shoots!

Dress up for armageddon

Anonymous said...

The gals look like they are having such a grand time, and I just love the exterior and texture of those bricks.

Unknown said...

Love the looks. Cute picture.

Heel in Mint

Taryn said...

Everyone looks so happy and cute =)

Anonymous said...

Cute girls! Can't decide which one is my favorite...hmmm,the girl with the red pants?

modanista junkie said...

Awe these ladies look like they're enjoying themselves. :)


Aya said...

Yes & i'm so ready to bring out the light knits! These photos are great! xoxo

Aya said...

Yes & i'm so ready to bring out the light knits! These photos are great! xoxo

V A N E S S A said...

Great pictures. I love the blue blazer of the first one.


bridechic said...

I have the red and white stripe in my closet! Love the freshness of the whole look!

Project Curve said...

fun photos!i love this season because of this very reason.

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

These girls look awesome :).

Grazziella said...

They seems so cool !!Amazing photos so fresh and natural

Jadore-Fashion said...

Love the pleated skirt in the first picture!


anyaadores said...

They are rocking their own looks - love love love :O)

Sharda said...

The blue blazer combined with flower print looks amazing.;)Love it!

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