Ah, what an abundance of personality. I like the way you captured this fellow behind the pink bus. And miraculously it does not clash with his ensemble;-)
It reminds me a bit of Paul Smith. I once read an amzing article in the Dutch L'officiel and it was about 'Les Sapuers'. These are gentlemen from Congo and they look stunning. They believe that the right clothes just feed the soul, even though that means that they have to spent their hard earned money on rather expensive clothing. It was a divine editorial and so are these pics! Amazing shoes and lovely tie!
Ah, what an abundance of personality.
I like the way you captured this fellow behind the pink bus. And miraculously it does not clash with his ensemble;-)
Super gangster's look!!!
Oh he is just the bees knees. Wonderful shots. Xxxx
Amazing. I wnat the tie so badly.
He looks like "Godfather" :D
pink bus ? lol :D
amazing tie.
great photos :)
Guauuuu! I love his style! I want a pair of those fantastic shoes! An the bus is perfect! ;-)
quel style ^^
j'adore, trop fun :-)
Cool guy. And goodness - WHAT is in his bus? It looks absolutely stuffed.
Marvelous..I love his attire and the colour of the automobile too!! Fantastic shot!! x
Gorgeous pictures! I love them!
Fashion Cat
Sweet :).
Love it when men wear suits!
♥ Leia
How do you do it? How do you find THIS guy in the vicinity of a pink bus?
Very smart. Love his tie! What's up with the rubble in that pink bus?
Ah, love the paradox of the Don in front of the pink bus!
Lots of love from Sydney,
x Kel
talking about the other woman
Great pics;)
Incredible tie! And I've always thought that you can't go wrong with a pair of braces!
What a character! And the stuffed pink bus is too funny!
The Styleseer
I love it !!! so smart
New post - kisses from France :)
What a personality! Stands out! :)
♡ from © tanvii.com
i wnat his shoes
The pocket square is a great touch.
The pocket square is a great touch.
Nice shot.. I want his shoes..
Lee x
thanks for your comment
Great guy! Reminds me of the US movies about the mafia and prohibition. ;) I hope you won't get it the wrong way. :) X
wow!! amazing :D
amazing Dandy!!
He is so stylish, very unique. Love it.
Great pictures.
Very Cab Calloway!
He seems to have a strong personality, love how you capture it. The pic with the pink bus behind is wonderful.
He looks so slick and suave, like a modern-day mafia man ;) And I love his tie lol
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. I followed you now, and I would love if you followed me back.
A Single Girl's Musings
OhMyGod! How do you find them? This is why I simply love your blog!
Love the mix of print in his tie, suspender, and scarf! The red, white and black colour palette is so goood! xx
Love those details, the polkadots, tie, and of course lovely suspenders. And that pink bus is just the crowning touch! LOVE!
xo Mary Jo
Amazing!! :)
♥ Dressy Celeb ♥
What a snazzy suit, and those shoes are perfect...and how fabulous is the hot pink van???
looks fab..i love the tie!
Ha! He is super debonair!! Love the pink bus too!
He's got style. :)
I wish my grandpa can be as stylish as him! He's got some style! ;)
What a chap he is - love the fact that there is not a crease to be seen, a speck of dust - immaculate now that is art :)
Love his tie and hankerchief so much!! :)SarahD
Brilliant! This guy and the pink bus are a sight. How you managed to find the two together is amazing! Love that first image too xx
So dapper!
Love his pocket square!
Incredible!! I love his whole look. His shoes and tie look fantastic.
Wow!! Amazing photographs, you captured the stylish man perfectly and love the pink bus.
this is amazing! wow!!
Funny and elegant at the same time.Awesome tie and shoes.
very dapper!
<3, Mimi
SO smoove!
guy in the pinky bus!!! owesome---where do u find them?
great job!!
Absolutely love that first shot!
this is simply fabulous!
epic. especially with the pink bus.
Awesome! Epic Win :D
How cool he is??? Love his style!!
Hes super styish!! : Y xx
Those are amazing pics, love them a lot!!!!!!!
It reminds me a bit of Paul Smith. I once read an amzing article in the Dutch L'officiel and it was about 'Les Sapuers'. These are gentlemen from Congo and they look stunning. They believe that the right clothes just feed the soul, even though that means that they have to spent their hard earned money on rather expensive clothing. It was a divine editorial and so are these pics! Amazing shoes and lovely tie!
Is that guy for real!?!
Was that his pink bus, too?
gangsta paradise
Dapper Dan! Luv it!
Love it love it love it. your pictures are so beautiful and your eye for details and colors is just AH-MAZING!!!!
*Jay-Z voice* My man.
He looks fantastic! Lovelovelove.
I can´t believe you find somebody like this!! He´s so authentic!!
Love his look and attitude!!
LOVE it. The shoes! The tie!
Sarah xxx
I think this has got to be one of my fave photos on your blog so far. The don against a pink bus - SO GOOD!
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