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Wednesday 6 July 2011

Dalston Kingsland High Street - London.

Now you might be wondering what this last picture is doing on a fashion blog. Well, the answer to that can be found in the current spring-summer collection from Prada. The colours and shapes here are somewhat similar to what can be seen in that collection. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Wouldn't you agree?


Akiko said...

Yes! I agree. Love all the photos but the third one is so cool :)

Milica said...

Hahhaha :) Third picture is great!

rouli said...

really love the last pic!


Unknown said...

that last picture is great! :)


I'm a girl said...

Colour collection!

Fashionistable said...

Maybe this is were Prada got their inspiration. Love the Cock flavour soup mix pack. Mmmm wonder what that tastes like!!!!! Xxxx

Ammie Eliza Davies said...

haha, i can't wait for AW11, ah I love winter!


Styleadvisor said...

I agree! The last pic is great! I wonder what fish tea is....

Anonymous said...

Great post;)

fashion and frank said...

Excellent link and we all loved that Prada!! x

anastacia bogdanova said...

love his backpack

Unknown said...

Awesome - and you're damn right :)

Unknown said...

Bloody hell i love your blog soo inspiring its awesome xxx

Tanvi said...

Absolutely agree!!! Inspiration does come from anywhere ... love the smiley faces on the helmut too!

♡ from ©

Meghan @ Wishful Thinking said...

Absolutely gorgeous pics! The last pic had me laughing out loud!

Fashion Insanity said...

Cool pics!

Stefany said...

i LOVE the backpack in the first picture!

Ellie said...

The last picture is so unexpected...and in prada! Wow!

Anonymous said...

that is what i call a helmet! i have never seen such an interesting helmet in my life

amy b.s. said...

great photos!

The PvdH Journal said...

As an artist I can confirm that inspiration can indeed come from anywhere ;)

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous shots, darling!
Totally agree that inspiration can come from anywhere!


Andrea said...

i agree inspiration is just everywhere!!

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

Hmmm you know that you are right?
Great pictures as always!

mirjam schuurkamp said...

the third one is amazing:)
love it
you always make Great pictures

New Outfit post at

Fashion Cappuccino said...

That's a pretty cool helmet! I also love the color inspiration for Prada! Canned and packaged food...that's awesome :-) xoxoxoo

Dressy Celeb said...

I absolutely agree with you! ;)


New post on my blog!
♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

Anonymous said...

You have such amazing photos! And you are so right about the third one!! I hope that one day I cake photos of this quality!


Molliee said...

i definitely agree! Sometimes I get my inspiration from food! love the colors

SabinePsynopsis said...

Absolutely! Also loving the backpack in pic 1.

Joy said...

The backpack is to die for!

Zarna said...

agreed! inspiration can truly come from anywhere!

Style, She Wrote said...

Love that pink helmet! xo style, she wrote

Michelle Lee said...

Inspiration is surely in everywhere!

simply h² said...

Haha, that helmet is funny, I like it.

Anonymous said...

I'm a foodie, so I like seeing market shots! The fashion is a bonus.

hippyatheart said...

I'd agree, too! really love the security hat in pic 2 :)

noura. said...

that is a fantastic observation

Jen said...

haha, Dalston is a pretty cool place to walk around and be inspired.

Jen xx

Shasie said...

What a fun bike helmet!!

Shasie of Live Life in Style
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Barbara von Enger said...

I agree - inspiration comes from everywhere - I really need some ackee and saltfish and a milo drink right about now;-)

Unknown said...

I told you! Dalston is ALIVE with colour!!

But that Cock flavour soup makes me feel all odd and shit!

Irene Buchetti said...

I love the backpack in the first picture!

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