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Monday, 18 July 2011

Columbia Road Flower Market - Shoreditch - London.

Columbia Road Flower Market is one of those places, in addition to The Tate Gallery and Borough Market, that I think should be on every Londoner's must-visit list. Even though it was raining yesterday, I made my weekly pilgrimage and here's what I saw. Enjoy...


Marina :) said...

I love markets. Ther is a lot of interesting people :)

Dith said...

Lovely photos as usual :)

sugarhoneybaby said...

Beautiful pics:)

Styleadvisor said...

Wonderful impressions with some great types in between!

SMS Style said...

I love Columbian road - go there quite a lot! Had no idea you were a fellow local!

Anna xxx

SMS Style said...

I meant Columbia, oops!

Sydney said...

interesting photos ;)

going to london is my dream! x

Couture said...

Beautiful pictures! They really capture the London feel!

dimitri said...

Lovely pictures.
This market is great.
Very interesting people.

Neris / Fashion Fractions said...

wonderful photos! markets are always so much fun :9


Fashion Fractions

BURG said...

All looks so pretty

Soi 8 recycling

Sick by Trend said...

how beautiful is London and all the people who live there! I need back soon. Fab post and pics


NRC♥ said...

Omg the yellow coat and the Chanel <3


Gosia said...

I really like the last photo.

Chantal | Blamethefireworks said...

i lvoe the 7th picture with the chanel bag, lovely. Thanks for your comment

Tanvi said...

Orange Prada, the lipstick in the last pic, gentleman trying to pick something from the top - Three of these struck a cord with me! :)
♡ from ©

Michelle Lee said...

So beautiful I feel like taking some flowers now :)

Gawgus things... said...

I love the characters you find at markets!

The PvdH Journal said...

I adore the Columbia flower market! really really need to get myself to make the trek next weekend! thanks for the inspiration

PvdH -designer and illustrator

Cafe Fashionista said...

All of the handbags are making me swoon - love!! :)

FashionJazz said...

You always take the most amazing picture details :)

Connie Staccato said...

Oh, these are beautiful! You made my day. And the lady with the red lipstick should have her own reality TV show.

Lauren said...

Beautiful shots of the market. I'm so sorry I didn't have time to go when I was in London.

Also, love the yellow leather jacket and grey bag combo!

The Styleseer

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Beautiful photos! The flower stalls look so inviting, and I'd love to be the lady with the yellow jacket and olive bag! (or have the orange Prada purse in the next one) You need to tell us about the Tate -- it's been years since I've been. x

Lindsay said...

Awesome photos, as always! I love markets so much!

Unknown said...

i LOVE that chanel bag!


Susie Heymer said...

I love flowers! They are always radiant, bring an amazing fragrance and beauty contagious!
I loved the photos, details! Everything perfect!
Have a awesome day!

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

I want that Prada bag :).

MellowYellow said...

=o those bags ! xo

noura. said...

such interesting people in shoreditch

Em said...

Great photos, this looks like such an interesting market!

Lena said...

Wow! Really great photos!

Andrea said...

i love the yellow jacket..awesome pics!! said...

Mhmmm...gorgeous bags!

It-Blogirls said...

thanks for your adorable comment , Love the chanel bag !

fashion and frank said...

It looks like summer!! Such an inspirational post making me remember on a wet day why it is still the best city in the world! x

Skinny Jeans - Blog Mode Marocain said...

Oh! The channel bag! Lovely pictures as usual!

Malika & Hanae

noone said...

ohh that Prada bag is <3 <3 <3!

Fashionistable said...

I do love Columbia Rd. Great shots. Looks like the rain held off at times for you. Just looked up the cost for the Chanel bag and I realised why I dont have one - cause when I have money like this I plow it into camera equiptment which cost about the same if not more..... Xxxx

Mom Fashion World said...

I would always want to go to London.
Hopefully, I will visit it someday.
Thanks for sharing these pictures.

Meena Dhuga said...

that chanel 2.55 bag is just brilliant!!

Meena xxx

Rose said...

Beautiful photos :)

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

I love flowers!!! And that yellow jacket is amazing!

Dressy Celeb said...

Amazing pics! Congrats! :)


New post on my blog!
♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

Unknown said...

Cute streetstyle pics!! xx

new post: click here
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ENTER MY GIVEAWAY (ending on 31st July)

styleeast said...

aah one of my favourite places! And great for style hunting, of course (when I'm not too lazy to go that extra bit further!)

Yajaira said...

love the rich colors of the flowers
thanks for the comment on my blog - hope you follow

mirjam schuurkamp said...

Amazing photos:)
love this blog
such an inspiration!

New outfit post-Your boyfriend gave me this tshirt

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Love that clock necklace! The flowers make such a beautiful backdrop for these photos too, so lovely and fresh looking!

Style, She Wrote said...

Gorgeous florals and fashions! You have a great eye! xo style, she wrote

stylenuggets said...

So much to photograph. Would've been hard to decide what to shoot, although the yellow jacket must've been a definite 'yes'.

letiziabarcelona said...

love markets too especially food markets;)
Love the yellow jacket.

jill said...

How is it possible that I know the Tate Gallery and Borough Market like my second homes - but don't know Columbia Market? When we're back from holiday, let's go shooting together - maybe with Madame Style East.

These are lovely shots, David: flowers and handbags, a winning combination (I'm wondering if you're perhaps even more obsessed with the Chanel quilt one than the friend who is starving herself to save up for one.. or perhaps there is no 'friend' ; )

Sharda said...

Beautiful market pictures. Love the necklace with clock charms.;)

Matthew Spade said...

i've never been, been close to but never got around to it. i'm a fool

Brunette Juice said...

awesome photos! luv it and following u now.. greetings from Czech rep.

Soleil St. Fleur said...

Girl with the red lipstick is the best, for me. That it doesn't stain the cup she's drinking from is superb! xx from Soleil

Anonymous said...

Oh, that really made me miss Sundays at the market!


Angela said...

Flowers and bags, perfect post. Having flowers in the home just makes the space more lived in and stylish.

Anonymous said...

great post with some luxe bags said...

i like this catching istants kind of sets,thank to bring us to the market with you

Unknown said...

Amazing pics! Love the ones with bags! :)


dinamita.paquita said...

getting on with the 5 mins sun of the weekend?? :))

Barbara von Enger said...

Don't you just love summer markets and all its offerings? The ideal place for divine photography;-)

Amy Creyer (Chicago Street Style) said...

love all the flowers!

Katie said...

I love the yellow jacket girl's outfit and the clock necklace

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