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Monday, 16 May 2011

The Young Fashion Tribe - Brick Lane - London.

In my opinion, these two young ladies are a representation of the type of people that we shall be seeing at the forefront of fashion in the the future.

I say this because, as I walk around hunting for fashionable folk on the streets, there is an emerging new tribe of youngsters that are seemingly savvy in the way they consume fashion. 

No longer do they slavishly follow trends, but come up with their own style on a shoe-string budget that produces incredibly interesting results such as these two. I call them YFTs -  the Young Fashion Tribe.


mispapelicos said...

I couldn´t agree more with you.
When I look at magazine they feel so out of touch compared with some blogs and street Style.
Thank you for sharing nspiration, my dear friend.

RachInFashion said...

I totally agree with your words.

Beautycountry said...

Ah! Great shot! They look great! :D

sugarhoneybaby said...

I agree with you:)

Lucy, Dear Fish said...

I love their coats. They both look amazing!

pancakestacker said...

Omg these girls are fab! Such great style. You snapped some great photos!

Stop by again soon! xoxo!

Thrift_Queen said...


Haute World said...

I see a lot more girls like this in the East End than the West though. Most of the girls in the center or towards Kensington still look like they're dressed in high street, head to toe. Really refreshing when girls actually choose to dress according to their own style, rather than what Topshop tells them is the rage. I love the faux fur on the left.

BeLighter said...

That sound interesting and very true as well!
Nothing like low budget to get your creativity out! (I should know)
But I will always love those dreamy editorials!!!

Ruth said...

Its the century of the blogger - anything goes when fashion is concerned these days. AND ITS GREAT! :D


Tanisha E said...

I heart that red bag and faux fur jacket

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...


The Photodiarist said...

So very Brick Lane!

Tanvi said...

Absolutely agree with you ...

♡ from ©

Malte said...

These photos look great!
Thanks for sharing!

mermaid gallery said...

you just can;t go wrong with classic, boho, it!

Lee Oliveira said...

Couldn't agree more with you.
Street Style blogger will rise even more coz we are out there all the time.
These girls are fierce and fabulous
lee x

The Cat Hag said...

I am with you on that.

Haha I feel so terribly inadequate sometimes when I walk alongside the fashionable youth of today. :)

The Cat Hag

Closet Fashionista said...

Ooh love their outfits! :D

Zarna said...

agreed! i love how you call them the "young fashion tribe"

they truly are.

Baby Budget Blog said...

Loving the furs and the printed pants!

New York Don't Leave Me said...

I love their eclectic style!
Check Out My Giveaway!

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

I totally agree with you!!!

Prutha Raithatha said...

love her red purse

Ilse said...

I agree with you! the art of the game is to find the most gorgeous stuff for the biggest bargain and create your own style.. although I think that trends will never disappear.. for instance the fur coats, vintage bags and leather shorts in this picture.. you don't see it often in real life, but it has rapidly become a blogger's costume - the fur coat looks were all over the internet last winter. don't get me wrong, I don't think that it's something to criticize about (I myself own a pair of leather shorts as well ;)..) but I think that that could be called a trend in some kind of way. however, love these girls and their take on the look!

Fashion Celebration said...

I totally agree... I see more and more YFTs in Poland...


Susie Heymer said...

Stylish! I loved the composition! The image is perfect!

Théa Unknown said...

Great outfits...!

Théa Unknown

Anonymous said...

Love these photos. <3

Reef Curtis said...

love these pics :)
grat look

teresweetstyle said...

amazing pictures and amazing looks!
have nice day!


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous ladies; lovely looks!


Anonymous said...

Amazing photos ! Thay just look awesome !!

MellowYellow said...

<3 loafers & fur xo

Mani said...

Love their coats! Fabulous!

hugs and kisses by Mani.

Mode Junkie said...

i so agree with you on this!
the photo is amazing and i really think it represents our youth of today! :D
good job!


k said...

makes for much better photographs i think!! i think there is a new trend towards individuality..if that can happen =)

Unknown said...

Yeah, these are really cool photos! I am liking the graffiti/grunge sense in these outfits.

Clio said...

Individuality, budget-friendly, eco-friendly, creativity, fashionably,...I applaud the Young Fashion Tribe! :) said...

Love the red bag!


I agree & coming up with trends on a shoe-string budget is always much more interesting to me. Innovative and fabulous. This first picture is inspiring! -xxoo

Marissa said...

I love it! Street style often inspires my own ensembles since they're realistic yet daring. xoxo Marissa

Bonnie said...

Your description is perfect. I totally see these young women as the future of fashion. They look fierce!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

E. said...

They're both lovely. I don't know why but they reminds me Madonna's 80s style!

Unknown said...

I love the first fur coats and the leggins, cooool!

styleeast said...

Perfectly put. I've already noticed this mixed up east end style infiltrating the mainstream. Both these girls have a great look but the one on the left is particularly photogenic

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment! Great street style blog!

Styleadvisor said...

The picture does have a kind of 80s vibe going on. The clothes and the graffiti wall add to the mood. Nice!

Fashion Fabrice said...

Those girls look very awesome! Love the fur coats and the bags!!:)

Farah from Fashionfabrice

heatherheartsfashion said...

agreeed, these ladies look fly!

SteffyRoos said...

Yes I so agree! I really like it that you post such cool street photos with an analysis about that :)!


Fashionistable said...

They look wonderful. I get what you are saying. Love your new fashion term. Xxxx

Michelle said...

I'm obsessed with those tights!

*sunday* said...

funky fashion forward!

Tuesday in Amsterdam said...

You are 100% right! Loving the shoes. I also like the updo hairstyle and those cute vintage bags. Very nice

Thanks for sharing these pics

I'm a girl said...


I love the coats and the bags.. I want the red, totally vintage style

Winnie said...

They have great style, I love the mix of vintage and high street which is exactly what east London is all about.

The Foolish Aesthete said...

YFT - very aptly coined (you need to copyright that). I love what you street style bloggers capture!

Gorgeous Clara said...

loooove both looks!

Unknown said...

Very fantastic!!!!!

Fashion Crazy Ball:

Friend in Fashion said...

The fur + pattern tights are all kinds of incredible!

Great snap of some super stylish girls!

Friend in Fashion

Connie Staccato said...

Maybe we've gotten just a little too careful.

Your YFTs are fun and inspirational. Let's pay more attention.

Unknown said...

Great photos! These are awesome. I agree - it is also much more fun to mix and match and not worry about the trends.
Thanks for your comment.

Claire M. said...

Nice outfits I love it :)

Claire M.

stylenuggets said...

More power to the fashion tribe. The future of fashion is in good hands. They are so comfortable in what they're wearing.

Unknown said...

Love it! A group not entirely dependent on the latest mass produced items, but developing their own style. It gives me hope for the future of fashion!

xo Mary Jo

hippyatheart said...

love it! they are so stunning and so typical east london! I love their hair!

mymy said...

Great style ! and u're completely right! "the young fashion tribe" ;-)

love love your blog !

little luxury list said...

Love that - young fashion tribe! It's all about creating your own style!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Cindy Whitehead said...

I think you are absolutely right - both of them look amazing!

Chloe Mia said...

Love the fur!

Bella's Style said...

Great photos!! They look amazing!
Thanks for nice comment on my blog! :) I'm your new follower! :)

Kimberly said...

amazing outfit love them both so gorgeous!

Style With K said...

i like those outfits! they look fab!!!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

Style With K said...

i like those outfits! they look fab!!!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

Krizia said...

Great style!
They look amazing!

x Krizia

Kirstin said...

They look so effortlessly cool!

Cristiana C said...

Wonderful! thanks for the comment! I love this blog!!!

moistpig said...


Gabrielle Lemoine said...

I couldn't agree more. I am a university student in Montreal, Canada, and this is what all the students do including myself. I shop mostly at really cheap thrift stores and buy most everything for 3-10$, and then I alter it. I find shopping in normal stores now is much easier but not as much fun! You never find the same originality in the pieces, and you can't make them your own in the same way.

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