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Thursday, 12 May 2011

Shy Blogger - Outside Issey Miyake - Paris.

Understated but chic. It took alot of charm and convincing to get this sweet girl to pose for me after promising to marry her...ha ha ha! That was a joke...

With that aside, wouldn't you agree with me that this is the sort of outfit that can easily be transformed from winter to spring to summer by just removing a few bits and sticking them in that bag without going back home? Clever forward-thinking.


Marina :) said...

I love bag and that girl is so pritty :)

Unknown said...

Good thing you convinced her because she is really pretty and the outfit is super cute! I like the fur collar :)
Much love,

Connie Staccato said...

I dunno, David, you could do worse. She's pretty adorable!

And, yes, I never buy ANYTHING (except shoes) that can't be worn YEAR-ROUND. That's wardrobe planning for the underemployed and I'm going to do a post on it soon...

Love her red lipstick. I've started wearing it again.

Nadine2point0 said...

Wow - she's got some great style. It's a skill required here: the seasonal switchability for a fave outfit. The temp can change in a few hours.
Keep you fingers crossed for sunny weather in NY for me :)

k said...

wow she has amazing style!

MellowYellow said...

I'm in love with your bag ! xo

Audrey Allure said...

Love her hat!

Fashion Celebration said...

totally amazing fur collar... Love it!!


Magdalena said...

I agree! This is such a great outfit! And she looks good!


The Mad Twins said...

Love the jack and bag very much! :D

You can join my giveaway.

xxx London & Paris

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, seriously great blog. Breath of fresh air compared to the reblogged pictures I see over and over again! Followed :)

And thanks for your comment! That vid literally blew my mind when I watched it. x

LittleMissLee said...

what great snaps, such a cute outfit!


The Photodiarist said...

Great bag. Do you know who makes it?

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

She is beautiful! Does she have her own blog? Love her hat!

Vix said...

Great outfit, relaxed and not-trying-too hard. Such a pretty girl, too. xxx

Sick by Trend said...

What a bag!! :d The Issey Miyake show was fantastic!


Anonymous said...

She looks so good!

Barbara von Enger said...

Casual, relaxed - she has an inner style! XX

Lee Oliveira said...

If you see this girl again, can you ask her bag for me please! i love it
Where did she buy it?
lee x

Noelle Chantal said...

I so agree with you about the outfit transformation. Love the fur on her shoulders, been routing on the same route lately during my travel tour.

By the way, thanks or the comment and I love your taste and photos too. Beautiful. :)

Alexa said...

beautiful outfit and very versatile! :)

E. said...

The bag is gorgeous!!

Courtney Erin said...

I love the detailing on the skirt - so stylish!

xoxo ~ Courtney

Unknown said...

What a lovely outfit. Really my style.

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous look!
Love the fur accent!


Mademoiselle Lala said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I love this outfit! X

Stéphanie said...

Lovely !

Nica said...

:) My bag is from the Fred Perry store in Berlin (bought in January), the hat, shirt and fur are vintage, the leather jacket is from Topshop Boutique.

Thanks for all the nice comments,
they've made my day :) xx


Iubire said...

very versatile! she is pretty and chic...
lovely bag!
much light in your life from Chile
see you

petrosjan said...

thank you for comment! you have very interesting blog! i'll be follow ! you can do that same with my blog :)


Closet Fashionista said...

Ooh love her outfit!! :D

petrosjan said...

wow so nice! i love this hat !

wonderfull blog!


Fashionistable said...

Clever indeed. Nice shots too. Xxxx

Christine B said...

thanks for the comment/blog visit! love your street style blog :)

Make Mommy Chic said...

Holy crap you have a great eye for discovering fabulous style on the street. I can't help but be a follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog- it's always awesome to hear from other bloggers!

Nekiah Torres said...


Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

She looks amazing! x

Mani said...

I agree with you but I wouldn't change it.....the bag is perfect and the jacket is to die for!

hugs and kisses by Mani.

beesandbugs said...

Love the skirt with the shirt and the jacket :)

New York Don't Leave Me said...

The jacket is amazing! I love women and cameras!
Check Out My Giveaway! said...

I need a fur collar, definitely! :D


April said...

She's gorgeous!
Love her look!


Carmen Vogue said...

I love this look. I need that hat ;). I am now following.

Tanvi said...

Bag Bag Bag!!! Love her smile too :0

♡ from ©

Beatlovingmusic said...

She's beautiful!

Cara said...

Love everything about this look!
xo Cara

Unknown said...

Love the look!

Unknown said...

an outfit that wont go out of season!

Tanisha E said...

I love this one Ny,

And I bet you promised that unsuspecting girl your hand in marriage to get that shot too. lol. :D

mispapelicos said...

Absolutely fantastic. What a shot.

Vanesa said...

Wow!! love your look!

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

I agree with you!
And she is lovely!

Cat said...

Love her style...that fedora hat looks like it was made for her :)

xx Cat brideblu

Carrie said...

Totally agree! And I love that bag!
Style in the City

Lisa said...

This outfit is amazing I adore her fur stole! She's so pretty!

KaNini's said...

Wow, your style is incredible! Love this look! Following!;)

mymymode said...

wow I love her look ! very nice!!

by the way, are u french? Lots of pics taken in paris

Selina. said...

wauw love her style!
and thanks for the lovely comment!

love, selina

LikeSpinningPlates said...

Love this look! The fur is awesome and love the hat! very chic. =)

Andrea said...

very pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Love that outfit! Its just perfect for this time of year and the hat is awesome!

Girl about Town XxX

Fashionistable said...

She is cute and beautifully dressed. Xxxx

styleeast said...

When's the wedding then?!

I've come to realise the words 'shy' and 'blogger' don't go too well together! But she's gorgeous and the shots are great so I'm glad she let you shoot her

Unknown said...

The outfit's adorable and LOVE that black bag! Is it Fred Perry or something else?

xo Mary Jo

The Foolish Aesthete said...

You can make a handsome married pair ;-). Love the fur stole and jaunty hat.

Cassie said...

The hat and fur stole is absolute perfection--thanks for sharing these looks, I love them!

Samantha said...

I agree with the first comment, she is cute and well dressed!

Thanks for visiting my blog! :o)


Anaivilo said...

Simple outfit and yet it's so modern and's just great! I like the bag, it completes the outfit, and her hat too! :D

Anonymous said...

i love her style especialy that hat x ps would be cool if you'd follow me

Vivi N. said...

Well, I'm a shy blogger, too. Meaning, if someone stops me on the street to take a picture of my outfit, I'll become bashful. lol. Sometimes, just taking a solo picture in public kinda freaks me out. lol. Anywho, what she has on is my style. To the 't'. And I do agree that it can transition from fall to spring to summer by just removing some pieces.

Connie Staccato said...

If your marriage proposal was responsible for that smile, I think you should go ahead...

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Love her style!! I'll take the entire outfit!! Thanks for visiting our blog. We are now following you via blog lovin. We would love for you to follow us back so we can stay in touch.
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

She looks so chic. I love the fur collar.

Fydez said...

Wow, I love this outfit so much. Simple but unbelievably chic and perfect. The details are amazing. XX

Soleil St. Fleur said...

Some of what she has on here can be worn season to season, for sure. She's shy, cute and definitely fashionable. Great photo, to capture all of that. xx from Soleil

Monica and Whitney said...

So inspiring!

Ask the Duplex

Shasie said...

Definitely in this unpredictable weather, everyone seems to need an outfit that's transitional throughout the day.

Live Life in Style

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