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Saturday, 21 May 2011

On The Street - Covent Garden - London.

I hope you're all having as fabulous a weekend as I am having! 


Marina :) said...

Shoes :)

Thrift_Queen said...

great detailing.Londoners are so posh:)

fashion and frank said...

I really love them all - great detailing - have a good one! x

EllysMakeupbag said...

Wow the shoes are fantastic.

Monika said...

great details!

mispapelicos said...

Ahhhhhh the leather jacket, the pendant, the feathers, the killer shoes, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

oh look, stars! said...

I love the shoes!

Olesya said...

great blog and a cool post:)

MellowYellow said...

good stuff ! xo

Kazuko said...

amazing details!

my weekend may not be as fab as yours, but thankfully you always share some fabulousness on your blog :)

happy weekend!

Barbara von Enger said...

Am having a delightfully fabulous weekend thus far - glad to hear you are too. Details springing out from all these images. I like the first image best - the details are so bold and assertive;-)

Mademoiselle Lala said...

My jaw just DROPPED when I saw these shoes! OMG so unique!!! X

P.S. I'm having a giveaway!

Tonje said...

Good. I`m glad you do! :) stop by again for more likable stuff!:)

xx T

Jonna said...

Great details! LOVE the feathers!

Jonna xx

sara l said...

oh wow, amazing street style blog!! def following!
and thanks for the comment btw! :)

roel said...

Great post, London style looks amazing

Absolutely Mrs. K said...

that is what i am talking about: textures. textures are the key to an amazing outfit and you have it on camera. the second one is my favorite, there is so much going on bu what an effect. absolutely phenomenal

dressingup-everyday said...

Amazing pics. the shoes are absolutely fab.

rouli said...


Lowri said...

Them shoes are HOT!!!


Underground Ladies said...

I love the feather on the jacket ! Have a nice day

It-Blogirls said...

awesome shoes!

sugarhoneybaby said...

Great detals.I love the last photo!:D

Project Curve said...

i really loving your blog more & more with every post!

LittleRachael said...

I love the necklace in the second photo - and those shoes are KILLER!

Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Little Rachael

Seline said...

So cool!

hippyatheart said...

love the feather collar, really beautiful and amazing!

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

wow that feather collar is pretty amazing! x

Eli said...

those last shoes are absolutely insane and amazing!!

Pearl Westwood said...

Such fantastic inspiration as always, I really like the feather collar!

Amber Schmidt said...

Feathers! How artistic!

Andrea said...

i love these fabulous details <3

great shoes!

Susie Heymer said...

Lovely details!
Have a great Saturday!

AlbeeLucky said...

Loving the feather capelet. I wish that I didn't pass it up when ASOS had them.

bielkae said...

thank u! <3

Tanvi said...

First and Last! = ♡

♡ from ©

Sammi said...

Oh wow, you've just gotta love those shoes!

Ramona said...

Fabulous closeup shots. Love bring out the detailing. Well done!

xoxo Ra

A Gluten Freestyle said...

These are wicked shots. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the floral shirt underneath the knit. And I'm really intrigued as to what it says on it...

Have a great weekend!

BeLighter said...

It's all about details!
Those shoes are insane!!!
Great post!

Winnie said...

The first image looks really familiar, is it by any chance Kit from Style Slicker? I could be wrong but it sure does look like what I've seen her wear before!

Meesh said...

Love that coat with the feathers on the back. Do want.

Angie | said...

love these street finds! love the first outfit a lot it has flavour

<3 pandaphilia

thomessa said...

I LOVE the first image.

Anonymous said...

wow I love everything in the 1st picture!
Thanks for your lovely comment x

Haru x

james said...

those shoes are KILLER <3

Connie Staccato said...

I am, thank you. And, oh wow! those SHOES!


UR BLOG IS 2 die 4!! fashion kills and u r a murderer!

Suz said...

Great blog! <3

Nat said...

Great post and photos! Love the shoes!

PinkBow said...

LOVE these detail shots you took!

Unknown said...

amazing pics!!!

xoxo from rome

(there's a leo bag GIVE-AWAY)

Unknown said...

i love those shoes! wow!

Rosie Savage said...

In love with the first picture!

Rosie x

The Photodiarist said...

Love the pendant of the person in the second shot.

Cailin´s Place said...

great blog and pictures!follow u, follow me back?Kisses!!!

Audrey Allure said...

Love that leather jacket and the blazer :)

Tereza and Ann said...

wow, that looks amazing. i've just came back from London, it's so inspirating city!

amalie said...

great shots! ah, i love london x

The Foolish Aesthete said...

The feathered jacket is just fabulous!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

Great shots! I love those shoes. They're so space-age.

caramellitsa said...

love this post!!
i gave you an award you can check it out here

kisses <3

Emily said...

i really like the first one Leather jacket + knit sweater= ♥

Siru said...

Great details!

Juliet xxx

Closet Fashionista said...

Woah! Those last shoes are so cool! :D

SteffyRoos said...

I dont think I did! At least not this fashionable ;).
I'm in love with those feathers!
Yeah you should definitely come to Amsterdam, I hope/think there also some fashion opportunities around this city :D


daniela kate morosini said...

only in london with those shoes :) x

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh my-oh my, the shoes! I'm so glad you spotted them.

Rene Braun said...

Great blog! Come to visit my blog too :))



Fashionistable said...

Great collection. Love, love the shoes. Xxxx

Iubire said...

OMG that jacket! I`m jealous
visit me I love your work!

stylenuggets said...

Oh wow those bird feathers! And the shoes - yummy

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Okay, I'm crazy about the shoes! The pointed toe! The color! Fit for a queen! xoxoxoo

LookGood/Do Good said...

nice shots- i especially love the feathers!! xo

Cee said...

Love those red and black shoes, they are amazing!

Milica said...

Oh those shoes are amazing!

Amélie said...

Love the shoes !!!


Rachella - said...

1 and 3 are my favorites! x

Anonymous said...

1st one <3

Unknown said...

Lovely detail pics <3

LittleMissLee said...

fabulous shots, what great detailing - its all about the killer heels!


Prutha Raithatha said...

those r some freaking hot shoes!!

Kelsey said...

Such a fan of those heeels!

annie said...

Speechless. I love those pointy shoes.

Alicia said...

Every single photo you take is just perfect! following you :)

Alicia Mi Mundo

Catherine said...

I like the last shoes! <3 Thanks for your comment :) x

Anonymous said...

wow, of course i noticed the heels. but then my stomach flipped. never seen such a huge bone sticking out on the front of a foot. ieuwwww

great photos tho!

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