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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Smoking-Chic - London Fashion Week - Somerset House.

Now I'm not one to encourage smoking, but he, yes, he makes it look so cool. Look at the way he holds it, - cigarette holder and all. No?


Connie Staccato said...

And a camel hair jacket with a red kilt? I'm down.

The Photodiarist said...

Interesting . . . smokers in the act of smoking make for really interesting subjects, I think.

Lee Oliveira said...

Very gorgeous shot..
I love his kilt
Lee x

Tanvi said...

Even 'besides' the smoking he is looking quite cool ;) But smokers always make great subjects for photography!

from ©

styleeast said...

David Nyanzi, I hope you're not suggesting smoking is cool!! Jokes. You need a disclaimer like the one on my post of the dude smoking!

*sunday* said...

wow very chic... i couldnt grasp straight away whether it is a girl or a guy but thats part of the charm i guess

Fashionistable said...

You know how I feel about smoking and I know you dont. But I have to say in this instance this is an amazing shot. Also love his kilt. Xxxx

A La Mode said...

Wow this is super chic!! A truly great moment captured.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Though I don't like the smell I'm all for leaving people their pleasures... Especially when it leads to shots like these. Fabulous!

chanelaftercoco said...

he's cute!

ilikestuff said...

Wow, I wish I could do that! I might take up smoking again.


This is an amazing photo, David.

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