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Saturday, 26 March 2011

Paris Fashion Week Highlights: Models Off Duty - Rue Commines - Paris.

This was after the Moon show at Espace Commines in Oberkampf and this excitable male passerby, who owns the shop behind, decided that it is was his right to join in the shot. 

You can tell from the discomfort on the poor girl's face that it was inappropriate and wanted it to be over with.  He got alot of abuse from the french photographers, none of which I could decipher but I could tell from the frustrated raised voices and rants that it was an assortment of obscenities and profanities...


Roxy Heart said...

Great photos
Poor girl does look uncomfortable
Want to follow each other?

Tanvi said...

Gorgeous faces nonetheless! Pretty hair too!

from ©

styleeast said...

ha! That's so funny he jumped in. Though she clearly doesn't think so! Great portraits, and I love those wide-legged trousers in the 4th photo

chanelaftercoco said...

The 4th one is very pretty!

karin said...

I love all the pictures,the man doesn´t look that bad but his hand looks huge!!! I love the outfit of the model in the 4th picture. Follow each other??? THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Love these photos specially the close-ups xx

Fashionistable said...

The 4th shot is amazing. I like the last shot. He was wrong to do it but he looks happy and friendly and has an interesting style of his own. Xxxx

Easy Fashion Fred said...

Sorry to tell you that, but as a matter of fact, most of the photographers, you are talking about are not french ...
But as you know, it's getting more and more difficult for evrybody

thank for your comments
on "L'Effort Moderne"

Unknown said...

oh wow! enviable girls! good blog!
kisses from spain!

Unknown said...

oh wow! enviable girls! good blog!
kisses from spain!

Lee Oliveira said...

Beautiful shots.. the 4th one are one of my favourites.
lee x

Zarna said...

aww, poor girl!

beautiful shots, i love the gray trousers in the fourth shot!

Haute World said...

I love checking out the off-duty model looks. The girl with the Birkin has a great outfit (adore those trousers).

Poor girl in the last shot does look uneasy. The guy probably thought he was being funny or was just desperate for attention. Who knows. But draping your arm around a stranger (who's a young female) is definitely off.

*sunday* said...

very cool, i really like the first and the last shots! good to see you today, lets do brick lane again soon :)

daniela kate morosini said...

that poor girl!! off duty, but still beautiful :) xx

Ellinor Forje said...

I love the outfit of the girl in the grey slack. Beautiful photos in all. Thanks for sharing and drop by me too, soon.


Florece said...

Lovely! Absolutly Lovely. I love these models attitude!
They look awesome!

Ike from

Unknown said...

Really loving your blog and thank you for visiting mine! Always appreciated!

Xx One More Chance

Say No To FACION said...

love all the mustard details. her shoes, his shoes, the mud guard and the saddle on the bike, the light and reflections in the window...nice!

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