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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

On The Street: Rough and Ready - Palais de Tokyo - Paris.

This is Edward - a.k.a Mr. Ferragamo -  from New York. The cut of this Ted Baker jacket first drew me to his outfit. The Ferragamo bag was also another thing that drew me in further, then the little details like the pocket pen, the red handkerchief, the scarf and not to mention, the bad-ass attitude. "Pure New Yorker," he told me, after much apology from my end. What? Look at him! He would crush my bones...with that bazooka of a camera. I love that New York attitude!


Gawgus things... said...

No way! You're waaaaay cooler ;)

Connie Staccato said...

Wow! He's gorgeous! And New Yorkers are softies on the inside. I found that out once when I didn't have change for the bus. About twenty people emptied their wallets for me...

The Photodiarist said...

We New Yorkers are badass! But Underemployed is right. We are softies on the inside.

Love this guy!

Nadine2point0 said...

He's very cool. Great subject.
After many years of living downtown Toronto, we have the ability to 'bad-ass' our aura too. It can still be conjured up in a blink when needed...and it might be when I got to NY mid-may with the girls for my Bday.
Clearly your awesome presence threatened him David. Just the way he's holding that goodness!

Ashley Rae said...

You have really great pictures! And great subjects. I love the pictures of Yanique. And I truly appreciate your kind words on my blog.


Tanvi said...

Super Edgy!!!

from ©

Tanvi said...

Super Edgy!!!

from ©

SabinePsynopsis said...

If there ever was a street-cred lens (and face) - this is it!

Haute World said...

Yeah, he's very dapper. I'm a sucker for the pocket handkerchief and the bag's a definite eye-catcher. That's one impressive lens by the way!

Angel said...

Very nice, its good to see a stylist photog.

Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog

Andrea said...

love the sunnies!

Fashionistable said...

I am laughing, yes he looks like he is going to bash you. Great look though. You were a very brave man. Well done. Xxxx

Debora said...

How much wonderful are your pics ? I'm in love :)
you're simply great

follow you now

Julia said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!! It made my gloomy day so much better <3

Your site is lovely as well, you choose really interesting unique people that aren't plastered every where. I love Edward, great NY style.

*sunday* said...

a very stylish gentleman!

Anonymous said...

LOL, this is awesome. I'm trying to muster up the courage you have :)

Alice Olive said...

Yeah, he is very cool. Great shots!

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