

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Best Buddies - Somerset House - London.


zs closet said...

loove that looks!!xxx

Connie Staccato said...

What fun! Lucky are the people who get to party with THEM!

Nadine2point0 said...

Love her boots on the right!
Great shot, beautiful girls :)

Bonnie said...

Lovely picture.
You guys look super fun!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Julia said...

Such a UK look! I know everyone in the states is on this but it feel so London to me.

In regards to your Bond St. store comment...yes! I pray I can fly out to London this year and document them. The images that I've seen are beyond and I want to shoot them months before NY gets them [if this swapping trend continues!!] Zebras and carnival rides? I meannnn, I'm drooling just thinking about it.

The Photodiarist said...

Love that chanel flap back and how it works no matter what it is paired with.

SabinePsynopsis said...

They look so different in every way. Great posing!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Okay, I need to borrow that red scarf and the leopard coat! Both great styles! xoxoxoo

Fashionistable said...

These girls are lovely. Dont think I saw you photograph them either, but we obviously did on the same day. Xxxx

Anonymous said...

They look amazing! I love it to pieces :)

little luxury list said...

So cute and especially if it's with your bestie!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

A La Mode said...

Love the way she's rocking those wedges!

Arizka said...

love the shoes. I just checked our shoe nation. major droolfest. I love your photos!

Amy Creyer said...

LOVE this photo. Give me leopard print anything and I am good to go :)

Coco said...

Ha! Didn't realise this one made it onto your blog! Thanks for capturing this lovely moment with my wonderful friend! xx

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