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Friday, 18 February 2011

London Fashion Week - Fall 2011 Season - Day One.

This one to all my 'fashion week friends' - people I see bi-annually at Sommerset 
House. Someone said this to me recently - blogging is like sex, everybody is doing it. Enjoy... 


Angel said...

So many great photos, It looks like there is a lot of street style blogger's out on the prowl.

Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog

*sunday* said...

picture look great D!!! i love them! see you tomorrow - cannot wait to get into the action... I will need to some 'ankle twist prevention' support from you tho :)

Fashionistable said...

David, David, David you have so raised your game these are brilliant. It was great seeing you again and spending together. Xxxx

The Photodiarist said...

Exciting! Love that red bag.

Hannah said...

Was lovely running into you today David, hopefully catch you again! That dude with the afro is awesome! Wish I'd got a picture of you in that snazzy bow tie =)

Bow Dream Nation xx

Shini said...

Daavid, really has it been 6 months? It just feels like I saw you a few weeks ago! Your photography, I must say, is getting so much more storytelling, I somehow love that one where the phone, cap (?) and cameracap is stuck in the studded belt!

Kit said...

Haha I looked sooooo excited to see you.
Your street style shots at LFW is getting better and enticing to look at, love the shot of my (borrowed) MCM backpack.
See you tomorrow.

Connie Staccato said...

Wow! What an essay!!!

The green bag! The purple hair!

Welcome home.

Prutha Raithatha said...

lovely coverage my dear... love that image with the belt holding the cell phone and the camera cover etc... its soo practically fashionable, im mad i didnt think of it first!! hehe

jill said...

Wow David, these are great! Yeah it's funny, that kind of intense, bi-annual friendship that's developed among all of us. I saw you waaay too fleetingly yesterday but we know we'll have time to catch up over the next few days. It's so random: I mean, I didn't see any of the people you've shot here (apart from Kit & Shini).

Like others have said, it's wonderful to see you develop as an artist: when I first met you you'd just started your blog and your photos were the maximum blog template size (i.e. tiny). This is a beautiful collection of photographs and you clearly gave thought into editing this together. I took the easy route: just picked three (had to force myself or I'd never have had any sleep).

Anyway enough chitchat: got a deadline to submit! See you today. Oh thank you btw for your nice comment! jCx

Zarna said...

these images are all so amazing!! i'm totally inspired by so many of them - thanks for sharing!!

zeshan idris said...

David My Man!! I said that ! Blogg is like sex everbody is doing it! Dope pictures as always!

Zeshan From Oslo Fashion week!

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