Charity Shop Style...Camden Town, London.
Would you believe me if I told you that the whole of this young man's outfit was sourced from charity shops and a little bit of Do It Yourself?
Goes to show that one does not need to be a 'check book fashionista' to be stylish. It's that 'something' that one cannot buy. You can employ the best stylists that money can buy, but I would pick this young man's ingenuity any day.
Hands up, who's with me on this one?
Seeeeeeeeeeee THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!!!
Mr have inspired me a plenty today!
Three quarters of my wardrobe comes from charity shops. However else can one afford Gucci?
Hand up here...way up. This is an awesome example of how personal style beats a 'what's hot' directive EVERY TIME.
Love the zippers up the backs of the thighs...(keep your hands to yourself, Nadine!)
Totally hands up! Cool backpack too!
Hands up for me too. he has great style. So wasn't expecting him to look the way he does when he turned around either. He has a great face too. Brilliant spot David. Xxxx
Loove this, very retro punk! XX!
Am so loving his hat! And the zippers on the back of his trousers!
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