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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

This Is What My Mother Would Call 'Fashionable Folk'...London.

Wouldn't you agree?

Oh, before I let you go. Did I mention the snow? London....finally!

Well it's a very thin layer but we still get excited.


Connie Staccato said...

Indeed, they are.

And we're supposed to get our first snow of the year in Chicago today. Which I will enjoy all the way until January 2nd, when it can go away again.

The Photodiarist said...

Love the way some buttons are missing in the jacket of the second guy. All in all great photos, David.

Unknown said...

I dont like snow. In my mind it belows waaaay up there *points at kilimanjaro*

Love the pics. That 1st lady sure can carry off a fury coat!

Anonymous said...

Wow love the 1st look - cant believe you guys are getting so much snow that side of the pond - none yet in Toronto but speaking to fam in Ireland & they are covered with a blanket! x Emma

Biana said...

Great styles, and nice series of photographs! And it's snowing here too and it's freezing freezing freezing.

Prutha Raithatha said...

the second and 3rd looks r fab... the blue sunglasses especially

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