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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

This Is What My Mother Would Call 'Today's Youths'...Convent Garden, London.

She says that we guys have it easy. "In my day you wouldn't have all these gadgets."

My reply, "that is because they weren't invented yet and twenty first century living requires them."

That aside, doesn't this guy look so cool? He's the sort of chap I would hang with at school 'just to score chicks'...but not good for your grades...

Wouldn't you agree?


Biana said...

Woah! Great photograph, David!! Looks like a photo for a commercial. And yes, he looks cool. Love the glasses. And I'm such a nerd, can't have enough gadgets :)

Connie Staccato said...

Tell your mom I agree with her. Although I don't think life is any easier for anybody these days.

Your guy here is super-cute. In my day, he'd be hanging around campus with a guitar. And I'd be dating him.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Ah, I bet your mum would love this guy. Who wouldn't?!? (& he might secretly have been really good at school...)

Fashionistable said...

My question is, is he still listening to his music while he is on the phone? Now that would be multi tasking. He is too cool for school. Xxxx

The Photodiarist said...

Just wish he wasn't smoking so soon in life.

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