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Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Lone Shooter at Sommerset House, London. 


Unknown said...

She has great legs!

Btw: my latest post is a contentious one but I hope you read it anyway :( I dont think anyone else will!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Wonderful pictures. I can really feel her slightly exhausted relaxation leaning against the lamp post. It's the fashion week overload.

Connie Staccato said...

She looks like she was born to lean against a lamp post with her arms folded. Like someone you'd see in a movie...

I read your comment on Old Cow about red nails. So now I understand what you said about manicures. I get it.

Angel said...

Stunning, I love the structure of her dress. I wounder what blog she writes?

Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog

Fashionistable said...

I also like the look of her dress. Need to put the bag down when you are shooting though. Yes would love to know who she is too. Xxxx

Fashion Ranger said...

Great shots. I like your blog. Im following on google friend connect.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, I really really liked it.
Thank you
I look forward staying in touch
Fashion Ranger

The Photodiarist said...

Great bag!

jill said...

Wow, David, your blog has really developed and matured since last I was here! You've really found your visual voice, and your photography is really good.

I've been meaning to apologise for being so short with you that day @ LFW - I was really not having fun at the time, I've since spoken with other people and double blogging (for a brand as well as our own blogs) - other people have confirmed what I felt, that it's more stressful, and that was certainly the case when I saw you and couldn't hang out. Hope you'll forgive my rudeness.

The reason I've chosen this one to comment on: I know who she is! I shot her the same day, probably the same time as we were in that area - I remember the dumpsters. I did my post as 'mystery blonde':

But Craig (Altamira) wrote to remind me of her name: Candice Lake. Isn't it a gorgeous name? Like her. She's a really talented photographer and ex model:

Hope you're having a great weekend. Love what you wrote on the PHotodiarist's post about being alone - that's what prompted me to come here.

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