

@davidnyanzi on Instagram

Instagram @davidnyanzi on Instagram

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Aim and Pull.

The things we go through to get that perfect shot.


*sunday* said...

oooh yes!

TorontoVerve Street Style said...

Perfect action shots.

Connie Staccato said...

There's nothing so fascinating as a guy with a big camera.

I love the way you center your shots. The second photo is perfect, the way the graphic sweater plays off of the advert up in the corner. Your photos are great art. Are they displayed in a gallery somewhere? They should be.

The Photodiarist said...

These are great!

Nadine2point0 said...

So awesome David. These are such inspiring shots showing how 'in the moment' photographers are..without the fear all falling on their ass or standing out in a crowd.

Fashionistable said...

You are sooooo right. Xxxx

Unknown said...

Ahahaha hope he didnt fall!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Absolutely! I even went as far as wearing jeans (!) to LFW, because on my first day I realised I was constantly crouching and lying on the floor to get a better shot. Love these pictures!

Adorngirl said...

I actually laughed out loud when I saw these, because you don't even realise you are doing those kind of poses, and stunts because is all about the shot. x

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