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Friday 17 September 2010

London Fashion Week. Day one.

Jeff Garner for Prohpetik.

The man himself, Jeff Garner.

Doesn't the band look great?


the style crusader said...

awesome photos. did you take them? looks like a great show. the second dress is incredible. xx

Connie Staccato said...

The poem is gorgeous, and I can see it reflected in his designs.

Tell him the process is worth it, even (and maybe especially) if it brings him to his own back yard.

More flowy, organic fashion please. Viva the human body!

Nadine2point0 said...

Love the peachy peasant dress - so natural and simple. Gorgeous.
The band looks like a good group of "count-on" expression my friends and I came up with in our twenties. You know, hard-working, laidback, honest and sweet.

The Photodiarist said...

Pretty cool. Those bearded men are a trip.

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