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Thursday, 23 September 2010

LFW Day Four. Menswear Day.


Connie Staccato said...

It's great to see men have fun with fashion. You see so little of it in Chicago, where utilitarianism is taken to illogical extemes.

Connie Staccato said...

...which brings up a point. Do you know what we need? We need some "extreme weather" fashion. Can't we look gorgeous in the rain and snow like we do in the warm weather? Where is there a designer that's going to take on the elements?

*sunday* said...

hot men, great clothes... its a win/win situation :)

Fashionistable said...

Your portraits are gooood. Xxxx

SabinePsynopsis said...

Great pictures. I thought the boys looked incredibly smart yesterday - and sooo many backpacks!

The Photodiarist said...

I like your inspiration, David. Loved seeing these!!

Unknown said...

These are fantastic shots!

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