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Monday, 20 September 2010

Faces At London Fashion Week. Day Three.

I run into Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist today in the lobby of the Royal Opera House in Convent garden sipping on a glass of chilled France's finest just before the Nicole Farhi show and asked him to pose for me so I could take the same frame he did for 'Kanye' on his blog during the recent New York fashion week.

I asked him what time he had got into London and I was told, "two hours ago." but he looked rested and fresh. Anyway, he was gracious enough to pose for me.

Then I managed to get a front row vantage point right across Carine Roitfeld and Anna Wintour (Check first exit of the show in the post below for evidence of Anna's face in the frame). So after the show, I ran across and asked Carine to do the same pose for me as Scott had done earlier by showing her the frame. She obliged me and so I carried on to Anna Wintour and these were the results...

Anna Wintour.

Carine Roitfeld.

Scott Schuman


Connie Staccato said...

I can look at portraits endlessly, so fascinating in their unique details and in what they convey.

The first lady is hiding, the second lady is a force of nature, and Scott looks just beautiful!

Fashionistable said...

3 very famous faces. That is a good image of Scott.

Nadine2point0 said...

I think what you snapped here under pressur-ous moments are awesome. Scott alwsys has far much going on in his eyes than his face in general lets on.

The Photodiarist said...

I love your photo of Scott. Really awesome work.

TorontoVerve Street Style said...

You were in the right place at the right time. Excellent portraits!

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