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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Cool Peeps...Outro.

The innocence of youth.

Remember those days where all you had to worry about were your grades at school?


Biana said...

Cool chicks! That haircut is awesome.

Oh yess, I remember those days allright. The good ol'days! I miss it... I always advice young(er) people to grow up slowly, and enjoy that carefree life because it won't last forever. And then I feel so old afterwards... lol!

Unknown said...

Gimme back those days....well on second thoughts don't! I find the older I get the less I care about how others judge and the more I give into my eccentricities.

I agree with Biana!

The Photodiarist said...

wow! Lots of edgy style in London.

Connie Staccato said...

These ladies have brilliant futures as jewelry buyers!

Nadine2point0 said...

I can hear my daughter squealing already about this pendant. Very hip duo here.

Lady M said...

She is cool! Amazing hair.

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