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Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Mr. 'Mad Men.'

I've been going through my fashion week diary (as you do) and I came across this guy...who I shot before one of the shows on the men's wear day ( I think it was Topshop or Christopher Shannon? I can't recall.

Anyway, before the shows start, I usually rummage through the audience shooting interesting characters like this one...( James Degalle the olympic boxing gold medalist).

And 'Fashion folk' like this...

Anyway, back to 'Mr. 'Mad Men'...After the show, I asked him to 'come outside for a couple of shots and a chat' about his style. Notice the change in eyewear.

We talked for a great deal of time before the next show about fashion and menswear of today vs the old days (Mad Men days) and it was decided that the men in the 'mad men days' dressed better. That's where he gets his inspiration from as you can see...

He's a freelance stylist from America living in London. Wadrope for that day consisted of, bow-tie from Portobello road, shirt: Vivienne Westwood, bag: Fred Perry ('vintage', he insisted ), suit: Dior ( also vintage), and then the expression on his face changed when he said where his over coat was from as I waited with baited breath, 'H&M, because the weather was ruinous that day otherwise it was staying at home' he said. I told him there was nothing to be ashamed of and I made my case for high fashion v high street and how it's good to 'mix em up and fool the professional eyes.'


Biana said...

*Laughing*. This is a really good post! Nice pictures

The Photodiarist said...

Ahhh! I love this guy's whole look! Great post David!

Nadine2point0 said...

Not too many can pull off a tie like that - he's adorable. He's got some serious style.
Great blog!

the style crusader said...

oh i love these shots! he's got seriously great style. love his shame in his coat being from h&m... we all give in sometimes (me, probably more than most!). that first shot of him is great. i'm loving the colour that bow tie. great great post! xx

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