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Sunday 21 March 2010

The Shady Lady... Liberty, London.

The flower entrance at Libertys provides a great source of never- ending flow of the fashionable crowd.

In this case, it was this stylish lady who was rudely interupted by me as she was on her way into the store with her friend.

At first she thought I was a mad man trying to hustle her until after further tactical negotiations the likes of which are seen at the United Nations, she gave me the green light.

Her huge shades first drew me to her, then as she came closer, I realised this was a serious fashionista that had to be photographed.
The textures, colours and fabrics of this whole ensnemble were well thought through (plus I hadn't realised this until after editing), that the flowers provided a good backdrop as well.

Nice surprise.


the style crusader said...

oh my! this is very cool. i wasn't expecting that long asymmetrical skirt... i think i assumed she'd have on black skinnys. very cool indeed. love the shaggy vest. have been seeing people wearing short ones over coats/parkas lately which looks so awesome. this long one is great too! great shots!

oh! i totally appreciate your honest reaction to the eun jeong show! gets a bit boring when all the comments just agree with what you have already said!

p.s. i am a total blog addict too! should definitely start a bloggerholics anonymous group!

The Photodiarist said...

THIS IS AWESOME! So awesome, that I had to use all caps. You are a great writer, BTW. I think that I've told you this before. The photo is quite brilliant. I love her look too. Love! So thanks for stopping her and for all of your hard negotiations. It was worth it!

Anonymous said...

Fur+Knit= Brilliant textures

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