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Saturday, 20 February 2010

London Fashion Week... Day 2.

And now for our feature presentation...

Backstage at Fashion East... LuLu Kennedy (founder Fashion East) and Me.

Lulu Kennedy and Susie Bubble (fashion blogger Style Bubble).

Backstage at John Rocha.

View from the front row at John Rocha.

John Rocha takes a bow.

Pandemonium at House Of Holland.

Mr.Hudson at House Of Holland.

At PPQ with Tim Blanks (

Studded Prada Brogues..... I want!!!!!!

Chanel Paris Spring ‘08.

These Louboutins belong to Kate Lanphear- style director US Elle.
I must say her style is super chic! Big fan.

Knee-high studded boots. Mixed reaction. (The jury's still out.)

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